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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35 

After her embarrassing moment in Class Z. Jade toned down a lot. She still gave the cold shoulder to Class 2 but stopped nitpicking like before 

Jennifer and the other girls 

Is were busy with dance rehearsals, leaving no time to bother Flora 

Flora noticed that Dane had been absent from class for the past few days, and Alex and a few others often skipped school, sometimes showing up with bruises and swollen faces

After the last class, Flora caught Alex trying to sneak away and asked, Where has Dane been these last few days?” 

HeAlex hesitated, as if weighing his words carefully 

Is something wrong?Flora frowned 

Flora, you’re better off not asking. If we tell you, Dane will have our headsAlex chuckled nervously 

Flora stared at him, her hand resting on his shoulder. Are you sure you wont say?” Her tone was light, yet it camed an implicit threat that Wex and the others couldn’t ignore

Flora, please just let it be, he pleaded bitterly 

Flora knew something was definitely wrong from his reaction

“If you consider me as a friend, then speak up What happened

Alex didn’t want to say, but Flora insisted. After struggling 

Flora’s hand paused on Alex’s shoulder What 

  • sighed and said, Dane got into trouble. Remember

After Hans got out, he kept showing up at Dane’s 

liner trashing

into Hanstrap and lost tens of thousands Danes family can’t cough their diner can’t even do business anymoreAlex explained, distressed 

Dane tried to get H. to back off, but he fell night of money and with Hans constantly causing trouble

Flora’s face darkened. Why didnt you tell me sooner?” 

Dane didn’t want us to tell you 

Flora grabbed her school jacket and strode out, pulling out her phone to call Crimson Miss Crimson, Ineed a favor 

It was a mess in the Thompson Diner 

A group of young g men in black, sporting tat 

os stood gu 

ce with metal rodil

Passersby quickly steered clear upon seeing them 

Dane’s parents stood trembling in a comer supported by each other 

Dane, head lowered, clenched his fists so tight his body shock volently with rage and helplessness, his face tuming a shade of purple 

The fearful glances from his parents felt like daggers in his back, making him feel utterly worthless. He had never been their pride and jou and now he had brought them such trouble 

od with one foot on a chair, tably tapping Danes shoulder with a metal rod, the gesture brimming with insult 


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