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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 6


Dad, I’ll prove to you that I wasn’t lyingFlora, expressionless, took Carina’s phone and connected it to the computer with a USB cable. A flicker of contempt and disgust passed through Carina’s eyes. Flora was just putting on a show. She was a nobody. What could she possibly achieve

Flora’s slender, pale fingers flew across the keyboard, leaving only afterimages as the computer screen flashed with rows of code

Raul and Henrik were stunned, while a sense of foreboding suddenly mose in Carina’s heart. She pressed down on Flora’s hand on the keyboard. Her instincts told her that she had to stop Floral 

Carina actually felt a sense of fear towards Flora, feeling ridiculous yet unable to control the panic within her. Flora, stop this nonsense. You’re blaming everything on me. I won’t hold it against you. Unele Raul isn’t in good health and can’t handle this stress.” 

Flora’s gaze slowly moved from the hand pressing on hers to Carina’s face, a playful and mocking light in her eyes. Are you scared?” 

Flora, what’s gotten into you today!” 

Carina’s face turned shades of green and white. How could she be afraid of this loser? But today, Flora seemed like a completely different person, truly unsettling

Flora used to be so obedient, but today… 


just looked at her for a while. Her direct gaze made Carina feel uneasy. Then Flora withdrew her gaze with utter calmness. Her fingers topped swiftly on the keyboard again

Watching Flora’s serious face, Raul and Henrik felt a bit excited, even though.Flora might just be causing a scene

Turned out Flora had a talent. She could be steered towards computer science

Slowly, many chat records appeared on the screen, with more popping up. Carina’s eyes widened in disbelief, and 

nd her panic increased

Under her panicked gaze, Flora pressed the last key forcefully. Done” 

The screen had flickered too violently just before, making the content unclear, but now, the chat records were fixed on the screen, with several messages enlarged

They were messages from Carina to Flora 

Carina told Flora if she didn’t want to be with Connor, there was a way out. Flora could have him severely injured, better yet, bedridden forever. That way, she wouldn’t be tied down to him. Carina also suggested most of the things Flora did to hurt Connor 

After reading all the chat records, Raul felt a chill down his spine. Carina had always seemed gentle and quiet in front of others, but behind the scenes, she was horrifying. It was like harboring a snake that might bite you at any moment

Carina had no way to argue with irrefutable evidence in front of her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she knelt on the ground 

ing with emotion, she begged, Uncle Raul, I’m sorry, II was worried about Flora. I know she doesn’t like Connor, so I gave her that adviceI know what I did was wrong, but Flora is my cousin. I just want her to be happy, even if all the consequences fall on me.” 

She was smart, knowing that arguing was futile, so she chose to downplay the situation and take on the title of a caring sister


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