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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64 

Connor: How about a trip to Blossom Valley this Saturday?

Flora had always mentioned wanting to go, but never seemed to find the time. She replied with feigned regret, I can’t, I’ve got plans this Saturday. Im going to a concert

[With frends?


[Is it all set?


Even through the screen, Flora could imagine how disappointed Connor must be feeling

She felt a twinge of guilt. He was too insecure sometimes. A little neglect, and he’d start to think she wanted to leave him 

After a moment’s thought, she decided to try her luck and continued typing. [Or, you could come with me?

The concert would be too noisy, Flora thought Connor wouldn’t like it

[If you don’t want to, no pressure. We can go someplace else when we’re both free Worried Connor might feel awkward to refuse, she quickly sent another message before he could reply 

[Il come pick you up from the Irving residence in the morning


On the day of the concert, Flora had been ready for a while, but Connor hadn’t arrived yet

This was unexpected; Connor was never the type to be late

[Connor, are you ready yet?] She messaged him while lounging on her bed. 


Moss and Beck were shocked to see Connor sweating over his choice of outfits. He had changed clothes dozens of times, starting before dawn and still hadn’t settled on the right outfit

Sir, it’s getting late. Ms. Flora must be getting anxious, Moss reminded him

Hearing this, Connor glanced at his watch. Indeed, there wasn’t much time left

He held up two outfits, asking Moss and Beck, Which one?? 

The one on the left” 

I was thinking the left one too, Moss and Beck echoed

Connor compared the two outfits again, frowning. Really? I think the right one looks younger, a bit better.” 

He was already several years older than Flora. He couldn’t afford to dress too maturely

Moss and Beck fell silent

By the time Flora was almost falling asleep waiting, Connor finally arrived

She hurried downstairs and saw Connor standing by the car door 

Today, he was dressed simply in a white shirt and jeans, his hair casually tousled but not unkempt, adding a touch of wildness instead. Faint light filtered through the gaps in the trees, casting a soft and warm glow on his handsome features. Gone were the aloofness and haughtiness of the past. He looked years younger

A smile brightened his already attractive eyes. Flora walked up to him, not hiding her admiration, Connor, you look different today” 

“How so?Connor asked casually, though he was a bit nervous

Did he look strange dressed like this

You look great. And there’s a certain liveliness about you.” Flora laughed


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