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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 

Jennifer clenched her teeth, resolved not to let Florn continue to triumph

Wasn’t she very affectionate with her boyfriend? Then she would steal him away

Jennifer was confident. She was almost as beautiful as Flora, and her family was wealthier. Winning over her penniless boyfriend would be a piece of cake

In the spotlight, Rafael finally took the stage

Darkness enveloped the stage

A single beam of light illuminated his figure, adding a touch of solitude and chill 

As the music began, so did his movement. Every move was executed flawlessly, and everyone in the audience could feel the explosive power within him

From despair and breakdown to a forceful tumaround, the power of his heart wrenching roar left everyone breathless. They were captivated by the man on stage

Rafael’s dance was as natural as it was wild

He had once been criticized by peers, claiming his dance was too dark for the big screen. 

However, Rafael was a beacon for many. His soulstriking dance lifted many from their abyss. His dance seemed to possess a magic, confronting the audience with their deepest insecurities. It might lead to breakdowns and heartwrenching sobs, but after facing it they would heel

Ah! Rafael! Rafael! We love you!” 

Ahl Rafael!” 


The entire crowd screamed their hearts out. Their voices choked with excitement

Kaylee also cried, struggling to catch her breath. Usually reserved, she screamed until her voice was nearly gone

Flora was shocked by the person on stage. It was her first time attending a live concert, experiencing the power Rafael, as a star, brought to his fans

Do you find it too noisy?She turned to Connor

He usually disliked such scenes

The music and cheers was blending together, so Connor didn’t hear Flora’s words. He leaned in closer, his lips near her ear asking. What?” 

Flora also leaned in, shouting, 1 said, do you find it too noisy and uncomfortable?” 

Connor did find it somewhat headacheinducing. Usually, he preferred classical music and opera. This kind of thing, popular among young girls, was a bit much for him

“Till go to the restroom.He said gently

Flora nodded, Go ahead.” 


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