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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 103

The sun is setting. It’s getting darker and darker. Where am I? Where is everyone else? Am I lost?

There are big trees everywhere and they all look the same. Which direction do I need to head towards? Where am I trying to go?

It’s getting even darker. I can’t see anything. The moon is the only source of light now.

I felt wet water droplets on my hair. Has it started to rain as well? I need to get out of this forest.

I started running as fast as I could in the dark. Leaves and branches scratched at my body as I ran passed them. I don’t even know if I’m heading in the right direction. I’m so scared…

It’s raining so hard, I’m completely drenched and the ground is getting slippery.

“Help! Someone…please help me!” I screamed at the top of my lungs repeatedly until my voice was choked up by my own sobs. That was when I realized that I had been crying.

The sound of the rain and thunder above washed away all of my cries for help.

Someone, please find me. Please help me. I prayed. I am so scared. Please!

I no longer had enough strength to run or even walk now as I sat down on the ground. The rain crashed down mercilessly on me. I’m so scared of the dark and there must be wild animals around here. Am I going to…die here? I must have loss consciousness at some point, I don’t remember much after that.

“Natalia!” I heard a man’s voice and then warm hands on my bare arm as he shook me lightly.

“Natalia! Natalia! Hang on, Natalia! Wake up!” a man’s voice was calling my name. I’m sure that he’s shouting but he sounds so far away and his voice was unclear. My eyelids feel so heavy and so does my body. I can’t move my limbs and attempting to open my eyes take up all the energy that I have.

I felt my body being lifted upwards. The man probably just lifted my body into his arms. The only sources of light were now the moon and the flashlight that the man held. I slowly opened my eyes and as my eyes adjusted to the light the first thing that I saw were green emerald eyes.

Then I saw just darkness.


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