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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 117

We arrived back at Lucien’s mansion a little late for dinner. However, Lucien seemed to be in an extraordinarily good mood. This seemed too good to be real, so it probably was. Something must be bothering him, and I had a very educated guess of what it was. I wasn’t sure if he had overheard Edward and I making love, but I sincerely hope not. This was a question that I will never broach with him unless he brought it up himself. Guessing from how Lucien is feigning to be in an overly good mood, if he figured it out, he didn’t want to directly discuss or cause an argument about it.

I should just play along for now. If I’m obedient and well behaved, perhaps he will slowly forget and forgive what happened. Regardless of whether he could hear us over the phone or not; Lucien must be mad that I went to Edwards’s house without his permission. It was not like he didn’t suspect my relationship with Edward before. Sorry Lucien, I managed to hurt you again. I sighed softly as I sat down at the dinner table, hoping that Lucien did not realize.

Reiner stood politely at the corner of the room as he watched over Lucien and me. I felt very uncomfortable with how Lucien was acting. All I could do was silently pray that things will turn out for the better.

“Welcome home, Natalia,” Lucien said with a gentle smile.

“Thank you. Sorry, I’m a little late for dinner,” I replied back with a small smile. I didn’t miss his stress on the word ‘home’ just now.

“How is my brother doing?” Lucien asked in a flat voice.

“He’s doing well but he seems quite busy with work,” I replied equally flatly. I’m sure Lucien had no interest whatsoever in how Edward was doing.

“I see. Do you want to continue working with him?” Lucien asked.

“I…just want to find something to do so that I can, you know, start my career,” I answered, carefully picking my words. I wasn’t sure if Lucien was baiting me or not. Truthfully, I wanted to return to the lab because I enjoyed working there regardless of whether Edward was there or not.

“I’ll consider it. Let’s talk about our trip. Let’s go next Friday and come back on Saturday. You should be free, right?” Lucien said as he picked at his food with clear disinterest. At least he was going to consider the possibility of me going back to work…

“Yes, I’m free but are you sure that it’s ok?” I asked with concern.

“Why wouldn’t it be?” he replied, cocking his head to the side with confusion.

“Well, we come back on Saturday and Sunday is your wedding…so…” I replied softly. I can’t believe that Lucien’s wedding to Angela was just around the corner. I haven’t prepared for it and honestly, I didn’t want to.

“I don’t see any problem,” Lucien stated and that was that. I didn’t mind, we could even skip the entire wedding altogether, but I wasn’t sure how the wedding would play out if the groom didn’t turn up. Trust me, I wasn’t concerned at all.

“Ok. Let’s go,” I replied with a bright smile. I looked forward to spending time with Lucien. We haven’t been on a holiday together for a long time. I wonder how things would change now that our relationship had evolved.

We ate dinner peacefully while exchanging casual conversation. It seemed that things have returned to normal and that was scaring me more than anything. I couldn’t tell what Lucien was thinking or feeling. Soon dinner came to an end. Lucien didn’t seem to be in a hurry today, maybe he didn’t have work to do tonight for a change.

“Natalia, please come with me to my study,” Lucien instructed as he left the room before me.

I stared as his back as he walked away. I wonder what he wanted to talk about privately. Inviting me to his study was a clear sign that he wanted to be alone with me without Reiner or other members of staff around.

“Natalia…if you want…” Reiner started saying as he came to stand by my side.

“It’s ok. I’ll go. You can wait for me in my bedroom. Lucien won’t hurt me. I’ll definitely survive and come back to you,” I said half seriously and half-jokingly. I sounded like I was going out to fight a war and that was what it felt like. Lucien will probably hurt me with his words rather than his actions. However, I knew that I could bear it because nothing hurts worst than heartbreak.


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