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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 128

After buying some healthy take-away food that Reiner approved of, we headed towards our car. I didn’t know where Reiner was going to take me, and I could guess that he wouldn’t tell me even if I asked. So, I didn’t ask and just waited to see where he would take me to. Reiner seemed to be much more relaxed than before as if the ice wall between us has melted. He seemed to be enjoying our date and that made me very delighted. Our conversation flowed much easier now and he seemed to be open with me.

It was getting a bit dark as the sun had already set by the time, we left the mall. Reiner drove us somewhere that was uphill. Are we going to see something up there?

“Is the place far?” I asked curiously as the car continued its way up the winding road.

“Nope…we’ll probably be there in around ten minutes,” Reiner replied as he squeezed my hand slightly, his eyes never leaving the road.

I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. True to his words, in less than ten minutes we arrived at our destination. Reiner parked the car in a small parking lot on the side of the road. I wonder where we are, we were up quite high on a hill somewhere close to the city. I couldn’t see what could be described as a ‘place’ as I looked around. All I could see was the road we were on with dark forests to both sides, and it was starting to give me the creeps.

Reiner opened the passenger door on my side, and I took the hand he offered as I got off the car. If Reiner isn’t by my side right now, I would probably have a slight panic attack at how dark and deserted this place is. Not to mention that we were surrounded my dark forests on both sides. I pressed a hand on my chest, feeling my erratic heartbeat, I need to get a hold of myself.

“I’m here, Natalia,” Reiner whispered calmly into my ears, and he hugged me closer to his side. He probably sensed that I was starting to feel scared.

“Where are we going?” I asked Reiner in a shaky voice.

“Get on,” Reiner instructed instead of replying to my question as he knelt down with his back turned towards me.

Get on…as in get on his back? No…right?

“You mean, like…get on your back?” I asked hesitantly. His actions were clear that he wanted me to climb on his back, but I did not imagine a piggyback ride as part of our date today.

“Of course, what else? Get on,” Reiner replied impatiently.

“I can walk now…I’ll walk myself,” I began protesting. Getting on his back is a little too embarrassing…even considering all the other things that we’ve already done.

“Through there? You sure?” Reiner turned his head to face me and asked while pointing his finger into the deep and dark woods. Oh…my god…

My eyes followed the direction of his finger and I gulped. There is no way, I am going in there.

“No…we’re not…I’m not going in there,” I replied stubbornly. I don’t know what lay on the other side of that thick mess, but I know that it is not worth it.


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