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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 131

There’s a what?! Did Reiner just say that there was a ‘peeping hole’ in the wall of my bedroom. Is it true? Why is it there? Who put it there? How long has it been there…?

So many questions came rushing into my mind and my body completely froze in panic and fear. The privacy that I thought I had in this bedroom was now completely gone. To be more accurately, it never existed in the first place. I never had complete privacy in this room, and I didn’t know about it all this time. I tried my best to keep my eyes on Reiner’s face so that it would not stray towards the wall behind him. I need to trust Reiner for now but what do we do now?

I want to get out of here...but how do I do that? I looked at Reiner in a panic. Reiner, save me please!

“R…I…” I started to whisper to him. I need to tell him to get me out of this room. Now!

“Yup! You’ve been good girl today. So, as I promised, I’ll accompany you for a late-night stroll. But remember, you’re not allowed to leave the house without me. Ok?” Reiner spoke up abruptly in a loud and clear voice. He winked at me, and I understood. We can leave now, right?

“Thank you! I just want to take a stroll in the garden for a bit…” I replied, trying to sound as natural as possible.

“Let’s go…” Reiner said as he turned to walk out of the room.

I quickly followed him without saying another word. I knew I had to act as natural as possible while I walked out of the room. However, I felt so much fear and paranoia deep inside. Since Reiner mentioned the hole in the wall, I had been conscious of being watched. I’ve been sleeping in that room for more than ten years; how could I never realized?

The thing that shocked me the most wasn’t the existence of the peeping hole but the implication of who had been peeping on me all this time. I was certain that the staff wouldn’t dare create a hole let alone want to spy on me. Most of the staff were female to begin with and the males were either very old butlers or Lucien’s bodyguards. Naturally, Lucien’s bodyguard never entered my wing of the house. Who else could it be? This house only has two family members…and I wouldn’t need to spy on myself.

Lucien…why did you do this?

I sighed with relief as we exited the room and Reiner firmly closed the door behind us. Never in my life, did I ever dream that the room I felt the safest in would become the most dangerous room for me right now. Once again, another part of my old and peaceful life has crumbled away into dust. I stood still, stunned, and unable to take in what was happening until I felt the warmth of Reiner’s hand around mine as he gently but firmly held my hand.

“Let’s go…Natalia,” Reiner said in a low voice before pulling me along with him.


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