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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 133

I got in his bed and laid down under his blanket. This bed smells of him and I found it so comforting and safe. Reiner switched off the lights and the room became quite dark save for the light that was coming in from the window from outside. I closed my eyes and tried my best to fall asleep. Reiner was right, we can sort out this mess tomorrow when we will hopefully be less tired than we are now. Why is my life falling apart again and again?

Is it morning already? I don’t remember when I fell asleep. I guess I was too exhausted to remember. Sometime after I got into Reiner’s bed, I must have drifted off to sleep. I slowly opened my eyes to find that the room was completely silent and still dark. So, morning had not yet arrived.

I reached out my hand and couldn’t feel anything. Where is Reiner? Oh right, he didn’t sleep with me on the bed. Where is he? I slowly sat up and looked around the room, but I couldn’t see very well. Quietly, I started to get off the bed. The room was slightly cold or perhaps that was because I was naked. I tiptoed a little around the room as my eyes adjusted to the dark. I could see a little better now but there was still no sign of Reiner. Did he leave?

As I tiptoed towards the door, I thought I can make out something on the floor next to the door. Is that Reiner? I walked closer to the door and crouch down to come face-to-face with a sleeping Reiner. Reiner was sleeping in a sitting position with his back against the door. Had he been here in this position this whole time? I couldn’t see his face very well, but I think that he’s still asleep.

Reiner, you always try so hard to protect me and put me first. I’m sorry that you had to get caught up in this mess too. I’m sure this wasn’t really the job you signed up for when you decided to become my bodyguard. Who would have thought that guarding a simple lady would lead to something so complicated?

It’s a little cold, I should at least put a blanket over him…or should I wake him up so he can get into the bed? I tiptoed back to the bed and took the blanket in my hand. When I was back in front of Reiner, I crouched down again and slowly and very gently started to place the blanket on him.

“R!” I screamed in shock when Reiner suddenly grabbed my wrist and pushed me backward onto the floor with his full bodyweight on mine. It all happened so fast that I was shocked. Was Reiner awake all this time?

After a short moment, Reiner seemed to come to his senses as he shook his head slightly from side to side. I could see him slowly open his eyes as he woke from his slumber. He seemed slightly shocked to see me pinned underneath him on the floor.

“Natalia…” Reiner said slowly as he emerged from his dazed state.


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