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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 138

“Do you think…anyone heard us?” I asked a little shyly as I reflected on his beastly lovemaking. Judging from my very hoarse voice and the pain in my throat, I must have screamed quite a bit last night.

“I’m sure everyone heard you. If they’re not deaf that is…you were very loud. It was quite impressive, really,” Reiner replied like it was nothing as he laughed a little.

I didn’t understand how he could suddenly be so carefree about this, but I had to admit that I liked Reiner a lot better this way.

“Well then, we’ll be on our way…call me if anything happens,” Lucien instructed Reiner as he got into the driver’s seat. Today, Lucien and I are heading off to our long-awaited holiday before coming back for Lucien’s wedding to Angela this Sunday. After a few arguments with Reiner, he had very reluctantly agreed to let me go alone with Lucien. More like, I became too stubborn about it for him to handle and so he had to let me go and do things my way.

Lucien will be driving which meant that we would truly be alone on this trip together. I had a few things that I wanted to discuss with Lucien so perhaps this was for the best. I glanced at Lucien’s handsome but strained face as he drove. I wonder…how I would feel watching Lucien getting married for the second time to someone else. Would I be heartbroken? Would I feel like dying inside? Or…would I feel absolutely nothing?

Everyone who means something to me will be there at Lucien’s wedding. Lucien, Edward, Zak, and Reiner, all of them will be there at the wedding. Along with other guests that I didn’t want to see such as Madame Francesca. Ironically, Edward will be standing in as Lucien’s best man regardless of the tension between them.

“I heard that Edward will be your best man at your wedding?” I asked casually, looking for something to talk about to kill the time during our ride.

“Yes. He’ll be the best man at all my weddings, and I’ll be his best man at his wedding. Well, doesn’t seem like that would be happening anytime soon…” Lucien answered casually.

I wonder if Edward was the best man back when Lucien married my mother too. I don’t remember and I didn’t want to ask Lucien about it. ‘All of my weddings’…Lucien will probably marry again after he divorces Angela. Perhaps he’ll do it for another business deal or…

I agreed with Lucien that Edward doesn’t seem like he’s going to get married anytime soon. Although his womanizing gossip news have died down some what lately in the press, I’m sure he’s still fooling around with his harem of endlessly famous and popular women. Some time when it is quiet and I’m alone, I thought about Edward’s proposal; however, I have yet the grasp the true meaning behind his marriage proposal.

‘You should marry me. If I were you, I’d marry me as soon as possible,’ Edward’s words came back to haunt me very often. I wonder what he meant and what are his hidden intentions.

It’s truly unfortunate. If this trip had taken place a couple of months before this, I would be overjoyed to be spending quality alone time with Lucien. However, right now I had such mixed feelings and sometimes the sense of dread seemed to overweight the happiness. I had to talk to Lucien about the peeping hole and perhaps Edward’s proposal. Perhaps Lucien could shed some light on Edward’s intentions. How best to know your opponent? Ask his enemy.

We came to one of the beach villas that Lucien owns located on one of the private beaches that he owns. I barely think about things like this but if Lucien doesn’t have an heir, I will end up inheriting all his wealth including this private beach. The idea is so out-of-this-world alien to me that I have never thought of it before. We refer to it as a villa but in the end, this is just another oversized mansion that happens to be located close to the sea.

I looked up at the sunny blue sky with squinted eyes as I sat on the sand beach in my red bikini. I should be enjoying this trip but instead, all I was thinking about was how to start the conversation with Lucien. Suddenly, I felt the sand beneath me move as a topless Lucien sat down next to me. Wordlessly, we sat next to each other as we looked out into the mysterious blue ocean.

“Excited for the wedding?” I teased. I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“Yes…but for a reason you wouldn’t be able to guess,” Lucien replied as he wrapped an arm around my back and winked at me. I laughed a little in reply as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“I won’t start guessing then…” I replied as I sighed lazily.


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