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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 207

I watched Edward’s tired and sleep-deprived face a bit before speaking up.

“Reiner…he’s not ever coming back, right?” I asked, sounding braver than I felt inside.

“I don’t know…but he clearly doesn’t want to be found,” Edward replied solemnly.

“I see…” I replied, clearly saddened and disappointed.

“Natalia…I don’t want you to think too badly of Reiner. It’s true that he took your mother’s life, but he’s felt guilty about it all this time. He probably didn’t phrase it like this, but he did join the Rosenhall household to find you and to find a way to save you just as your mother asked,” Edward said seriously.

I didn’t believe that Reiner was the villain he made himself out to be. However, everyone agreed that Reiner did kill my mother, but the real question was…who ordered him to do it and why?

“No one actually knows much about Reiner. Even I don’t know the real him. As he’s told you, Reiner isn’t his real name. Other information provided were all fake as well. His name, nationality, birthdate, and everything else. You might think it’s selfish for him to disclose nothing to you but perhaps this is the best way for him to keep you safe,” Edward explained.

“You might not believe this but…I guessed as much…” I said trying to tease him. I appreciate Edward’s effort to defend Reiner, but I figured as much.

This was the real reason why he didn’t tell me anything about this private life and evaded all of my questions. He probably thought that it was better to not answer me at all instead of feeding me with loads of lies. I understood that he didn’t want to lie to me but in the end, I didn’t know anything about Reiner at all.

“You know what really happened that day, don’t you?” I asked Edward with pleading eyes. I really wanted him to tell me the truth.

“I do. However, I’m not the right person to tell you what happened,” Edward stated firmly.

“Then who should I ask? Who will tell me?” I asked in frustration.

“Relax. Don’t overexert yourself. I’ll take you home soon…and you can ask Lucien when you get home,” Edward replied with a tight smile.

“Lucien?” I said curiously. There are still things Lucien hasn’t told me even after all this time?

After the results of my check-ups returned, the doctor decided that I was healthy enough to return home. With Edward making a fuss out of everything, we rode home together in an ambulance. I felt so embarrassed to be lying down in an ambulance on the way home when I was perfectly fine. I sucked it up and didn’t complain just to please Edward. It was the least I could do considering the effort that he’d put in while taking care of me these past few days.

Later that day, Laura popped into my bedroom to announce that Lucien was home and that he would be visiting me soon.

“Thank you, Laura,” I said as I smiled sweetly at her.

“It’s late so Master Lucien has already eaten as well. Do let me know if you want some snacks later in the night,” Laura said before she disappeared through the door.

I waited patiently for Lucien to arrive. I pondered how I would start the conversation with him and what I wanted to ask him. The truth of the day my mother died that had stayed hidden for so long was about to be revealed.

“Natalia. Sorry, I’m late. How are you feeling?” Lucien said the moment he stepped into my room and headed for the bed.


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