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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 84

The next day, I received a text message.

“Come to the base,” Zak? How did he know my number?

I can’t believe I’m back in this room again. It was not a dream; this room is really a garbage dump.

“Hi, Natalia. Welcome to Prince Zak’s secret base…although you probably think it looks more like a garbage dump…” said a guy that I saw with Zak very often. He’s the student council president, Bryan.

What world am I living in? The student council president is part of this secret base scheme and is acting like a servant to Prince Zak.

“Hi, I’m Natalia. Nice to meet you,” I greeted him a little nervously as I tried to smile at him.

“I should leave…Zak probably wants to be alone with you,” Bryan mumbled almost as if to himself as he headed for the door.

“What…did you say?” I asked curiously.

“Huh? Oh…nothing…” He said while waving a little and then he was gone.

What do I do now? I sat down and looked around the room. There are no cockroaches here, right?

A few minutes later I heard the door open, and Zak walked in after locking the door behind him.

“Wow! I didn’t think you’d really come,” Zak said as he sat down opposite me. He flashed me his charming smile.

“What if I didn’t come?” I asked. It never crossed my mind that not turning up was an option.

“hmm…I would have carried you here…probably,” Zak replied indifferently. So, I wasn’t wrong, I didn’t have a choice but to come here.

“So…why did you call me here?” I asked suspiciously. Over the years Zak has never met and spoken to me in person before so meeting him two days in a row was sort of too much.

“I’ve decided to help you. I’ll make you the number one girl in this school. I’ll make you the most beautiful, the smartest and the most desirable. You’ll be my graduation project,” Zak proposed cockily as he looked up and down as if appraising me.

“No! You don’t have to do that. I’m fine the way I am now,” I refused immediately. Zak is crazy, I knew it.

“Didn’t you say that you wished someone would help you? I’ll be that someone, I’ll help you,” Zak said with determination in his eyes as he took my hand in his before bringing it up to his lips to kiss it.

I pulled my hand back in shock. Prince Zak just kissed my hand against the backdrop of a garbage dump. This can’t be real.

In the end, Zak refused to take no for an answer, and I failed at convincing him to step down.

“Come to the base” became a text message that I received first thing in the morning every single day until at some point, I lived and breathed for the arrival of that text.

From that day onward, I spent everyday at school with Zak. One day, I convinced Bryan to help me clean out that room. Since I knew that I would be in there with Zak every day from now on, I might as well make the room livable. Zak was shocked the first time he entered to find the room clean and orderly, but he didn’t complain about it.

“My first mission is to make you smart. Actually, I think you already are but being in the top ten and being first is different. So, from now on, I will tutor you on all subjects,” Zak began to explain his Natalia-reform plan to me.

“Aha…” I nodded. I’m not sure if his words and implications had sunk in yet.


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