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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 91

“I will marry Angela because I have to. But I don’t love her. I never have, I never planned to, and I never will,” Lucien replied earnestly. I guess I was relieved that he didn’t love her.

“I see. I thought you’re marrying her out of love like how you married my mother. I didn’t think you would marry without love,” I replied honestly.

“Natalia. Listen carefully…” Lucien said in a low voice as he stepped closer to me to place both his hands on my shoulders.

“Yes?” I replied.

“I’ve never married anyone for love,” Lucien stated blandly.

“What do you mean…by that?” I asked, confused. What about my mother?

“I won’t be marrying Angela for love, and I didn’t marry your mother because I loved her either,” Lucien stated, clearer this time in order to make sure that I understood.

“It can’t be…you never loved my mother?!” I gasped with shock. Did he trick her? Why?

“I never loved her. I had a lot of respect for her, and I still do but never once did I have any romantic feelings towards her,” Lucien replied honestly.

“No…why did you trick her? She was so in love with you!” I cried as I struggled to brush his hand off of my shoulders.

“I didn’t trick her! She was never in love with me either. Your mother and I, we never had a romantic relationship with each other,” Lucien tried to explain.

“Then why did you marry her? Why did you marry each other? I always thought you two were so in love and I was so happy when my mother married you,” I shot back. Clearly, I was shocked and upset.

“Listen to me. I know this may come as a shock to you, but I married your mother in order to protect both you and her. Your mother agreed to my proposal because I promised her that I would keep you safe and that you would have a stable life,” Lucien explained slowly.

“No…this can’t be true,” I said as I shook my head in denial. My mother found Lucien and she was happy to get married to the love of her life.

“Your mother never loved me. Even when we were living together, I never held her hand, I never touched her and I never slept with her in every sense of the word,” Lucien said desperately.

“So, in the end, my mother died without experiencing any happiness? Then what was this whole charade for? It can’t be. Lucien, why do you have to protect my mother and I?” I asked suspiciously. I couldn’t think of a reason why Lucien needed to protect us or go so far as to marry my mother in order to do so.


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