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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 94

He’s so close and I wished that we would remain this close to each other in body and in spirit as well from now on. I placed my hand lightly on the side of his face as I gazed deep into his eyes.

“He must have cared for me a lot and he had magnificently green eyes…just like yours…” I replied shyly. Lucien, why didn’t you tell me all this time. Were you waiting for me to remember all by myself?

“He sounds like a truly wonderful person…doesn’t he?” Lucien said teasingly as he closed the distance to place his lips softly on mine.

We kissed sweetly, taking it slow because we had all the time in the world. I felt Lucien’s arms around my shoulders as he pulled me even closer to him as his playful lips teased mine. I wanted to feel his hot tongue against my own, but I wanted to enjoy this moment without rushing it. I moaned softly when Lucien parted my lips with the tip of his tongue as he slid it inside the depths of my mouth. He replied to me with small moans of his own.

“That man who saved me…I think that…he’s my first love,” I confessed timidly. You’re my first love, Lucien.

Lucien froze for a very short moment before regaining his composure. Was my confession of love so shocking to him? He seemed to be recalling something or connecting the dots in his head before he emerged from his daze.

“I’m sure he’s been manly in love with you since that day as well,” Lucien replied as he crushed his lips to mine in a very insistent and possessive kiss. He just told me that he loved me as well, right?

I felt so relieved and delighted as I kissed him back eagerly. Finally, we were on the same page with our feelings well aligned. I ran my fingers through his hair as he hugged me tighter to his warm body. All the while, he kissed me passionately, thrusting his tongue deep into my mouth as he changed the angle of our kiss. I was panting now as he turned me on. If this goes on, we’ll…

“Lucien…I didn’t come here to…” I protested weakly. I honestly just wanted to talk.

“Then you should have worn more clothes…” Lucien replied as he silenced my further protests with his aggressive kiss. His hands untied and parted the thin burgundy robe that I had put on top of my quite revealing matching-color short night gown. His hand groped my breast to drive his point on my lack of decent clothing home. The lace fabric of my nightgown was thin, and I could feel the heat of his hot palm on my flesh making my nipple harden instantly.

“Ah…Lucien…” I moaned his name as I started to get lost in my own lust and yearning.

“You have to be prepared for at least this much when you visit a man’s room late at night,” Lucien whispered seductively into my ear as he sucked and licked them.


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