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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 99

What do I do? I can’t use my hands…so how am I supposed to search him? If the necklace is on his body, then I have to strip him, right? How do I do that…

I glared at Edward as he stood still watching me with a grin on his face. When I get this handcuff off me, I’m going to hit him!

“Time is ticking, Natalia…are you going to do something? Or…should I start first?” Edward teased as he smiled playfully at me. As far as he was concerned, this game must be very entertaining.

Why is this guy in a suit with a tie today? Why can’t he just be in his boxers or something with less pieces to take off?!

I have no choice, if I can’t use my hands, then…

I slowly walked towards Edward who was still standing still like a well-behaved kid. I can’t believe, I’m doing this…but! I am not going to lose!

First, I need to take off his suit jacket. Thank God, it’s not buttoned…

I bent down a little and then I bit the left lapel of his suit between my teeth and pulled. If I can’t use my hands, then I’m going to have to use my mouth to undress him. This is probably what Edward had planned along and this is why I had 30 minutes to search him instead of 5 minutes.

Slowly I used my mouth to tug and pull on his suit so that it was sliding off one of his shoulders. At least, Edward was not resisting, he was still standing very still as he watched me. This is so embarrassing, worst, it was very difficult.

Finally, I managed to remove his arm from one sleeve of his suit. I felt like I had just won a gold Olympic medal. The other side should be easy now, I just need to pull, and it should slide off his other arm. Perhaps, I have a hidden talent of undressing a man with my hands bounded. Cleary a talent I thought I didn’t need, until around 5 minutes earlier.

“Well done, you’re doing much better than I thought,” Edward praised me when I was able to completely remove his suit jacket off him.

“I’m going to win this game no matter what…” I said with determination.

“I see…” Edward said in jolly voice before cupping my face in his hands and kissing me.

“What are you doing?!” I cried out as I pushed him away.

“…distracting you?” Edward replied as if there was nothing wrong at all. I guess to him there really was nothing wrong. There were no rules that he couldn’t distract me.


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