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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 101

“C'est de la folie! [This is lunacy'] Kas, no. You’ve gone insane,” Delilah cries and stands up from her seat when I finish telling her and Marco my plan about three hours into our flight to Paris. She paces with her hands over her mouth. Her eyes are midnight blue when she finally stops and looks at me, “No. Ican’t let you do this to your soul. I won't allow it.”


“Delilah, I'm not asking your permission. I started this centuries ago and I have to finish it. I’m telling you because you and Marco are my best friends and I love you,” I explain as calmly as possible, “I’m asking for your support and understanding. If the worst happens, I would like you two to take care of Cora until she finds Dante and is ready to leave the pack.”


“We'll take care of your daughter...err... sister, Kas. Don't worry about that. But you're sure Bronx don’t know nothin'?” Marco leans forward and puts his elbows on his knees, wringing his hands together.


“As far as I can tell, he knows something’s wrong, and he’s worried about me, but he doesn’t know any of what I just told you. And it’s going to stay that way. Do I make myself clear? I can’t let him try to stop me. This needs to end. I need to see it through. Don’t make me use my Luna voice to order you to keep this a secret and definitely don't make me use my goddess voice because for all I know, something bad could come of that,” I cross my arms in front of myself and swipe them down in an X motion.


Delilah sits down across from me with her hands on her cheeks. Tears are threatening to spill from her eyes, “Oh Kas. Just like Bronx says to you, I-I can't lose you. Not like this.”


“You haven't lost me, Delilah. Not yet anyway. But I have one more favor to ask,” I take her hands in mine.


“Of course, Kas, anything,” I watch her lip tremble as her voice jingles in the alr.


“If you think the influence of the Mavri Magea has corrupted me and I'm too far gone, don’t try to save me. Just protect Cora. Whatever white magic it takes to keep her safe. Whatever realm you need to take her to, even if it is a matter of keeping her safe from me, do it. Okay?” I watch as she nods her head and puts her hand over her mouth again, stifling a sob before she makes her way to the bathroom for some privacy.


“Kas, I got you,” Marco says plainly, “I get what you're tryin’ to do. If people know they're gonna try an stop you or they're gonna get in the way. I got your back.”


“I’m scared I could hurt someone, Marco. Sometimes I can already feel it. Like a storm cloud that gets stronger when my mood changes and the dark wants attention,” I twist my mouth up trying to figure out how to describe it, but I can't, “Even now, I'm worried I can’t always control it. It just feels, I don't know, right?”


“If you really go through with this, like, all the way to the end like you sayin. It’s gonna start a war. There’s gonna be consequences, Kas. People are gonna get hurt or worse,” Marco’s eyes look out the window as if he is remembering something from his past, “and you're right. Ain't no way Bronx would let you go through with it if he found out. But in my mind, you're doin the right thing. Like you said, you started it, you gotta finish it. They need to be stopped.”

“Thank you, Marco,” I put my hand on top of his and give him a grateful smile,

“I Knew I could count on you.”


“I’m gonna fight alongside you until I can’t fight no more. Just remember, I got pups on the way. And if Amari is right, and there’s any chance my little girl could be a goddess like you, she’s gonna need her daddy, Kas. Or if my little boy could be a Guardian like Bronx, I gotta be there to raise him right. Don’t make me regret this. If I’m goin all in, you are too,” his light brown eyes bore into me.


“I'm all in, Marco. Honestly, I don’t have a choice,” I lean back in my seat and let the conversation fall silent as we both let our minds absorb the situation. ‘

Delilah finally comes out of the bathroom and sits next to me. Her back is stiff, and she has trouble looking at me directly.


“Luna Regent, Goddess Iokaste Mason, give me your hands,” she says curtly and holds her hands out for me to take hold of.


“What?” I look at her, confused. We had not discussed her using magic on me. We talked about keeping Cora safe, but I'm not even pregnant yet.


“I may be a pacifist, but you are not. I will not let you go down without a fight. This is going to be the strongest protection spell I can on you before it’s too late. It won't stop the inevitable, but it will at least give you more time,” Delilah explains as she taps the tops of my hand to get me to put them into hers. Her voice still cracks, but she looks resolute in her decision, “Now give me your hands.” °


I put my hands in hers obediently, surprised by her strict tone.


“Okay, do your best. Just be careful, don't do anything to put Alexander at risk, okay?” I say to give her permission.

“Pshh, he strengthens me,” she dismisses my concern. She takes a deep, ragged breath and closes her eyes. I do the same and feel her warm, comforting energy build in me.


It feels like a layer of pure white filament surrounding me, gently winding itself around and placing a layer of white light around the little storm cloud that has been tagging along with me everywhere I go. I can feel it fighting against the light, wanting to be set free. I know it's only a matter of time before it breaks free and comes back with a vengeance, but there

is relief from it for a little while at least. I feel the warmth dissipate and a sense of calm comes over me. I open my eyes and look at Delilah. When she opens her eyes, they are a light sky blue. She looks much calmer.


“Thank you, Delilah,” I give her a strong hug and rub her back. I feel her nod against my shoulder. When I’m sure she will not start crying again, I let her go. “Well, I guess there’s one thing left to do,” I say, slapping my hands on my knees with an exaggerated sigh.


“Go unfreeze Tyree and Freddie?” Marco says with a smirk.


“Go unfreeze Tyree and Freddie,” I nod and head to the galley where Tyree went to talk to the steward, Freddie, to get us drinks an hour ago.




"Okay, tell her now. Tell her now!" Lex urges in my mind, "I can't wait to see her reaction. This is going to be epic!”


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