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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 104

Bronx’s POV


I lean over and give Kas a little kiss on the cheek to wake her up. I don’t want to startle her and wake up Delilah, too.

Delilah has her long, spindly arms wrapped around Kas with her head on Kas’s shoulder. Kas is holding Delilah in a loving, protective manner, looking happy and peaceful. I watch Kas smile and slowly open her eyes, never taking her arm away from her protective hold on her best friend. Her eyes get big with excitement when she sees me.


Before she can say anything, I put my finger to my lips.


I open up a mind link for a silent conversation, “Hi Baby, come on, let’s go lay down in our room.”


“I can't, Sweetheart. Delilah misses James. I told her I would stay here with her,” she gives me a little pout. She leans her head on top of Delilah's for effect.


“Well, if you are staying in here with her, what am I going to tell this guy?” I use my thumb to point behind me where James is standing in the doorway.


Kas’s beautiful violet eyes light up even more when she realizes I brought James with me to surprise Delilah. She gently unwraps Delilah’s arms from around her and lets me help her get out of the bed. James gives us a grateful nod as he closes the door behind us.


Kas puts her hand over her mouth and giggles when we hear little bells chime from behind the closed door as Delilah realizes James is there with her.


“I know I wasn’t supposed to be here until this evening, but we couldn't wait to surprise you. James has been losing his mind being away from Delilah while she’s pregnant. I brought Musu,

Carly, and Diane with us too,” I whisper to her as we walk down the hall, “you should have seen the look on Marco's face.”


“They're all here?” Kas asks, closing the door to our room. She looks a little confused but glad for the company.

“Yeah. You should have seen Marco’s face when Musu walked through the door. You would think it has beena month since they saw each other.


Everyone gets a little vacation time with their mates this week. Even Tyree gets time to relax after you get back from the designer tomorrow. I set all of them up with rooms at La Bristol and didn't even ask Carly to help with the arrangements. I did it all myself so she could be surprised too. Lenora set up a security team from the Paris office to take over for the rest of the week,” I sit on the bed and put my hand out for Kas to take. She slides her hand into mine and lets me pull her close to me, “That way you and I have time together without everyone looking over our shoulders for once. The Paris guards have orders to stay outside the building unless we need a driver to take us somewhere.”


“If you don't want people looking over our shoulders, you haven't seen the papers this morning,” Kas says to me, turning her eyes away slightly.


“No. Why? What happened?” I pull out my phone to look at websites. How did she get in trouble in less than three days?


I look through the tabloid website headlines: ‘Mason's New Look’ ‘Trouble for Mason Moguls?’ ‘Date Night Darlings’. The PR team already told me about this stuff. I scroll through pictures of Kas and me in the car the day I picked her up from work. I skim the articles criticizing my new eye, theorizing why we were out together on a weeknight, if there is some sort of wedge growing between us, and even one witha closeup of her new necklace trying to estimate its value. All the usual bullshit.


Then I see pictures of Kas holding Delilah’s hand, being led into a restaurant by Marco, with Tyree holding photographers back. The article headlines read: ‘Girls Night in Paris’ ‘Kas Caught Red Handed’ ‘Kas’s Parisian Getaway’ ‘Just Business Partners?’. The articles talk more about Kas and I growing apart since she was abducted and how she and her business partner, Delilah, have become closer than ever potentially ina budding relationship.


“You're kidding me with this crap, right?” I look up from my phone. I rarely let the tabloid articles get to me, but this shit is ridiculous.


“Our impromptu outing at home must have triggered a lot of rumors. There were so many paparazzi outside the restaurant yesterday. Delilah looked terrified, so I held her hand while we walked in. But don’t worry, at the end of the night, Marco had us go out the back door instead.”


I turn off the phone and put it on the nightstand. I don't need to read any more bullshit headlines today, I think to my self as I rub my hands over my face in frustration and sigh, “I know it isn’t your fault, Kas. It looks like you did exactly what the PR team has taught you. And you were being a good Luna by helping Delilah navigate that situation safely.” °


“Um, there’s more,” she says, trying not to sound guilty.


I look at her from between my fingers, “ More?”


“Dionysus was our sommelier at the restaurant. He gave me a bottle of wine and a piece of chocolate,” she points to the dresser, to a bottle and a little golden wrapper.


“Dionysus? The God of Wine and Ecstasy was your sommelier for dinner?” I ask. Trying not to sound like I don’t believe her, but seriously, it has to be a joke, right?


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