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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 119

When I come out on the other side of the portal, Leticia is waiting to greet me with open arms and a huge smile.


Much to her surprise, she is met with my most vicious right hook I can muster to the face. I feel the satisfying crunch of the bones in her nose collapse under the weight of my punch. I watch her collapse to the floor. Blood pours from her broken nose onto the gray carpet. Around us, my sisters gasp in surprise at my actions.




“Kas, I'm sorry. I-” Leticia looks up at me, prepared to beg for mercy. She won't find any.


I grab the collar of her shirt and force her down by her neck, and kneel on her chest while I continue to pummel her traitorous face. I barely hear the rest of the Mavri Magea trying to stop me and pull me off her. The typhoon in my mind suddenly stops churning, giving me the ability to focus on Leticia.


Iclap my hand over her mouth, making my purple aura surround both of us and let the words tumble out of my mouth. I feel words of a spell that has never existed before float to the surface of my mind.


Lex rages at the loss of our Beta and I grit my teeth, continuing to use my goddess voice as I exact my revenge, “ Apéranti siopi [infinite silence].”


Her eyes turn wide as she looks at me.


She shakes her head and screams while she tries to push my hand away from her mouth. I feel the tingling heat of the spell working as her screams turn into a muffled whining. Tears pour from eyes as she understands her fate.


When I remove my hand, the area that once held her mouth is now a plane of smooth pale skin, as if a mouth never existed on her face at all. The blood from her broken nose has slowed toa dribble as her wolf heals her, but she will never heal from my spell. She can never reverse it and her life will never be the same. That's just fucking fine with me.


I watch her for a moment as she grabs at her face, trying to grasp the reality of her situation. Before it can settle in, I drag her by the neck, down the hallway toward her room.


“I bind you, Leticia Latmus. In the names of our mother, Selene, Goddess of the Moon and Hecate, Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft, I bind you from using your given abilities or abilities you have gained over your lifetimes,” My voice booms as I! lug her down the hallway. She claws at my hand desperately, trying to escape, but it’s no use. I lock my grip and there is no way I'm letting go.


With each step I wrench more energy from her, making her muffled screams weaker as we get closer to her room, “I bind you to prevent you from performing magic for your benefit or the detriment of others. I remove the privileges bestowed upon you by our mother. I bind you, Leticia Latmus. As the Leader of the Mavri Magea, I punish you, to live the rest of this lifetime confined in a manner I see fit.”


When we reach her door, I pull Leticia up to look her in the eye. I have leached away any power she had moments before, rendering her as helpless as a lamb. She is so pale and weak that she can’t even grasp my hand against her throat. I launch her into the room, watching her roll across the floor before I let my telekinesis slam the door closed, trapping her inside. I run my hand across the edges and mutter an incantation, sealing it shut with her inside.



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