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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 128

Kas’s POV


I sit in front of him, even though he doesn’t know I’m there. I'm afraid if I look away, I may never see him again. Elexis’s black snout pushes under my elbow so I will put my arm around her while she sits next to me. I let myself lean heavily against her while we watch our mate realize that my spirit has left my body.


“He broke the mate bond, Kas. Our spirits’ journeys are finished,” Lex says quietly, “There are no more lifetimes for us.” °


“I understand,” I nod slowly as I run my fingers through her silky onyx fur, “Lex, through everything, I forgive him. I’m sure it seems foolish, but I don’t have the desire to hold on to hate or malice when I move on. So, I forgive him.”


“Of course you do. You have a good heart, Kas. 1 know how much you loved him over the centuries.”


“I've made my peace, and I died knowing! did everything I could do to save my sisters and keep my pups alive. There is nothing else I need to fulfill me.” «


“It has been a pleasure being your wolf, Kas. I couldn't ask for a better human spirit to be attached to for the last five thousand years,” Lex says as she gives my cheek a lick.


“Thank you for being sucha magnificent wolf, Lex,” I look up and smile at the giant black wolf, “I’m going to miss you.”


We both look back at Bronx as Reggie takes my body out of his arms and puts i ton a gurney. Everyone looks like they are in pain.


“They feel the Luna bond breaking,” Lex says as if she was reading my mind.

“How long will it last?” I watch as Reggie and the medical staff run the gurney down the hallway.


“It depends on the pack member. Children, meh, a couple days and for adults, a couple weeks. And for the ranked members, it could be a long time. Bronx will probably always feel it. Since he broke the mate bond, he will not die in the next couple of years unless he does something stupid. He is going to live a normal lifetime now,” Lex explains, “but it’s his and Saint’s last one, too.”


Milo is trying to comfort Bronx through his own pain. I frown, wishing I could take this part away.


“Hello Mother,” I say out loud when I feel her presence behind me.


“Hello Iokaste, Elexis, my darlings,” she says, sitting next to us. I feel a comforting warmth as she takes my hand.


“Mother, can you please take their pain away? I don’t want anyone else to hurt because of me,” I feel tears blurring my vision.


“You know I can’t, Iokaste,” she says, ignoring my request, “My daughter, you caused quite a stir this lifetime.”


“I did what I had to do. I don’t have any regrets. If 1 had known it was going to be my last lifetime, I would have eaten more grilled cheese sandwiches. A few more bananas, too,” I try to lighten the mood, glancing at her. She has pulled her blonde hair back into a bun. Her blue eyes are deep like the ocean and her perfect skin naturally glows.


“I agree. You should have eaten more grilled cheese sandwiches. I also agree that you did what you had to do to help the Manae. In fact, it's the first time in five thousand years thatI realize you have been acting selflessly. You spent so much time in the shadows, I thought you had lost your way,” she tells me while she observes Bronx and Milo, “I convinced the other Olympic Gods to give you one last chance to redeem yourself, even though I wasn’t sure of your true intentions. I see now, everything you have done has benefited others. I apologize for not having more faith in you, my darling.”


“Well, I don't know what to tell you. Hopefully, people can learn from their mistakes, but I won't be here to see it. I don’t have a mate anymore, so my spirit’s journey is finished,” I shrug.

“About that,” she puts her fingers under my chin and turns my attention away from a distraught Bronx toward her, “I came here to give you a choice, my darling. We told you if you saw your quest through, we would reward you.”

“A choice?” I ask, confused, “I've already told you, I don’t want any rewards for doing the right thing.’


“Yes, a choice as a reward. The Olympians were having a lively discussion about you and Elexis when they found out Bronx broke the mate bond,” she smiles sweetly.


“A lively discussion, huh? Ironic choice of words, Mother,” I feel myself roll my eyes at her.


“Well, the discussion was about what to do with you now that you have completely changed the fates of your sisters,” my Mother explains, “With Zeus’s blessing, I have an offer for you.”

“An offer from Zeus? Thanks, but no thanks. I’ve had enough of that guy,” I dismiss her and turn back to Bronx.

“Kas, we want to give you the opportunity to be immortal. Truly immortal, like the Olympians.”


I fee] Lex startle against me at my mother’s statement. I take a deep breath and press my lips tightly together.


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