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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 13

We come out of the bathroom to find Bronx watching TV in the sitting area. H e stands up when he hears the bathroom door open. When he turns around, he freezes.


"Oh my Goddess," he says under his breath. He gulps as he stares at me.


"She cleans up nice, huh?" Lenora smiles.


"Uh, yeah, I- uh, stun- that - I," he's not able to make a full sentence as he stares at me.


You know what, I'm just gonna go," Lenora says over my shoulder as she points to the door. She gives mea thumbs up and a wink as she leaves.


I stand where she left me, not sure what to do with my hands.


"Waannnaaa... watch TV with me?" Bronx points behind him at the television.


"Sure," I tentatively walk over to the sofa. He takes my hand causing little sparks where he touches me and gently pulls me down onto the seat next to him. “Is this okay? Sitting next to me like this? I should've asked first.”


“Yeah, it's fine," I feel myself blushing. "What do you like to watch?”


"T don't know. I've never had time to watch television."


"Oh, right. Okay, um, what are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time?"


"Hmmm, homework and mental breakdowns." :


"Oh crap, I'm sorry, Ididn-"' :


"It's okay, Bronx. I'm teasing you. I mean honestly though, all I know about i s cooking, baking, and stocking pantries...and homework," I look at him from the side of my eye with a smirk on my face.


"Okay, smart aleck. Cooking and baking. I can work with that. We have like three cooking channels," he flips the station t o a cooking competition show called Chopped.


The chefs are given boxes of ingredients. They don't know what's inside until the timer starts and they have to make up a meal using all the ingredients. Bronx gets up to make popcorn as I describe what I would make with the ingredients for each course. By the time we're on the third episode, I think I'm addicted. The dessert rounds are my favorite.


"Kas, were you the one who made dinner for the formal party at Silver Moon? The first night I was there," he asks with an air of sudden realization.

"Yeah, I made breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day at Silver Moon. Did you like the beef Wellington at the party?" "Like it? It was the best dinner I ever had. That means you made the killer key lime pie too, right? Before I found you going into my room, I was going to ask the Alpha who the chef was so we could use them for some of our formal events." Well, I'm at your service, parties big and small, I cook 'em all!"


He smiles and puts his arm over my shoulders, pulling me closer. I gladly snuggle up next to him.


Seriously, how is this my life right now? There's no way it's real.


I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but I wake up in the morning tucked in bed. Bronx isn't next to me or sleeping on the couch. It makes me feel a bit empty inside. I slide out of bed and see a note o n the nightstand.


Kas, A couple of pack things came up. Lenora will take you to the mall. «


Have a good time!


Bronx oe


“Watch out world, she's a wild one!" Lex teases while I make myself some toast with butter.


"Knock it off. I don't want to get sick again," I sulk at her.


"I know, I know," I sense her rolling her eyes, "Kas, do you think we can talk to our mate about shifting soon? Please?" ‘Yeah. When I see him after the mall. I will make time to speak to him." "Thank you. So, what do you think the mall is like?”


"I don't know. It sounds like there are stores with a ton of clothes and shoes and stuff," I shrug a bit, not able to picture it in my mind.


She's just about to ask another question when Lenora walks in with a blonde- haired, blue-eyed woman.


"Hi, Kas! Ready for a big day?" Lenora says with a big smile, "This is Ashley, she is Reggie's mate."


“Nice to meet you, Ashley," I smile awkwardly as she stares at me.


Oh, my Goddess. Rude!



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