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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 133


Chapter 1 

Lenora’s POV 

The bold letters of the unopened email sear into my eyes. The subject line reads: ‘Operation Goddess: Weekly Update’. A lump of anxiety settles in my chest as I read it over and over. My finger hovers on the mouse button, but I can’t bring myself to open it. I hate that this assignment has turned into such a shit show.

There is a knock on my office door, giving me an excuse to ignore the email.

“Come in,” I call out, looking at the door.

Musu peaks her head in. “Hello Beta. D-did you watch the video?” 

I sigh and roll my eyes. She is not who I was hoping to see, “Not yet. How bad is it?”

“Mmm, pretty disturbing. Mind if I sit?”

“Might as well.” I shake my head and turn the computer screen, so we can both see, while she sits in the chair across from me. I open the dreaded email and click on the attachment.

A black and white surveillance video pops up and starts to play.

Aman approaches an ATM. While he is completing his transaction, a petite woman wearing a trench coat with designer stilettos queues up behind him. She hides her face using a large floppy hat and dark sunglasses. He appears to be reviewing his receipt when she pulls out an ornamental dagger.

Without warning, she grabs his chin with her wolf’s claws extended. With one swift movement, she slices his neck from ear to ear. Blood sprays out as she pulls the startled mant o the ground. He feebly struggles against her, but she waves her hand over his face and appears to say something out loud. His hands fall helplessly to the side as he becomes paralyzed. He stares at her, his eyes wide with fear. She quickly looks around, then straddles his chest, partially obscuring our view, but it is clear she is digging the knife into his face. When she stands up, she puts something small into the pocket of her trench coat. She then drags the man’s body out of frame and the video cuts off.

“Musu, if you say what I think you’re about to say, we have a real problem on our hands,” I look at her with alarm.

“They found the corpse in the alley next to the bank,” Musu states knowingly. “She cut his left eye out. She also sliced open his abdomen and took part of his liver…umm…and his heart.”

“Fuck,” I swear under my breath, “Yeah, we definitely have a problem.”


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