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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 141

Chapter 9

Bronx’s POV

Mrs. Miller, our head chef, has her staff bring burgers and fries out to the garden gazebo next to the pool. I didn’t even have to ask, she knows it’s my favorite comfort food combination. She even adds a cup of chocolate pudding on my plate like she did when I was a little kid. It all looks and smells delicious, but I have no appetite.

I just feel numb inside. All I can think about is Kas. Her mesmerizing violet eyes that practically glow and her glittery silver hair that she always fusses over, even though I think it always looks perfect. Her sweet laugh that makes my heart beat faster every time I hear it. And the adorable little growl she lets out when she’s frustrated about a recipe she’s testing doesn’t come out the way she wants. What if I never get to see her beautiful face or get to hold her in my arms again? What if I never get to hear that giggle or her melodic voice call my name again? Will the last memory I have of her be losing my temper?

Goddess, help me.

I’m not sure how long I sit there staring at the uneaten food. It may have been five minutes or five hours. Eventually, Milo moves my plate away and sits down beside me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I rub my hands across my face and sigh with a frustrated growl when I feel his hand on my shoulder. I look at the ground, avoiding his gaze. I can’t bear to look him in the eye right now.

“Bronx, we’re gonna find her. You gotta have faith,” he reassures me, “It feels like you're giving up, man. Asking for help is not defeat. Think of it more like pulling together additional troops.”

“Milo’s right. You didn’t feel your mate bond break, and we didn’t feel our pack bond break with Kas.

She’s alive out there, Bronx. We just have to figure out where. Knowing Kas, she is fighting for her life to get back to you,” Reggie chimes in.

I look up at his icy blue eyes when he mentions Kas by name, and he continues, “Reaching out to the human media outlets is the right thing to do. Think about it. After your honeymoon and how successful the bakery has been, everyone knows who she is, anyway. Ashley says the paparazzi have already started theorizing on their websites why she hasn’t been at work all week.” “Cut it out, Reggie. You know she hates that kind of attention,” I sigh helplessly.

“It’s not me, man. Social media is already buzzing. How will they react when they find out the wife of Bronx Mason is missing? They are gonna run far and wide with it. No offense, but Kas sticks out like a sparkly silver thumb in a crowd of pinkies. Someone has to know where she is. Once they broadcast your message, everyone will be looking for her. And at this point, the more eyes, the better,” he tries to talk sense into me.

Milo takes control of the conversation now, “Bronx, we need you to think of this as a battle. For all we know, it is a battle...or will be...”

His eyes get a little starry and a smile crosses his face as he thinks about getting to be in a battle again. He blinks a couple times as he comes back to his senses, “ Sorry, I got distracted. What I’m trying to say is, we need you to fight for your mate. Your Luna. Our Luna. This is not the warrior Bronx we all know and cower from. You need to get mad. We want the moody, growly, settle for nothing less than perfection, ruthless Alpha leader we know you are, to come back. No one is denying how much you love Kas. We know you're hurting without her. Reggie and I are here to support you behind the scenes, but for the pack and the public, you need to put on the show.”

He stands up and starts pacing, gesturing with his hands as he talks as he gets excited, “You need to be the guy people aren’t afraid to be afraid of, because they all know they had better be. Be the powder keg people are worried about standing too close to. Whoever has Kas needs to know you mean business. You need to go out there, kick ‘em in the nuts, and make them shit their pants through the television screen. Make someone call and beg you to take Kas back before the end of the day.”

I lean back in my seat while I watch Milo. He has stopped pacing and is standing in front of me with his arms crossed in front of him. His steel-gray eyes are full of a best friend’s worry, but there is also a sternness that he knows I need from my Beta when I am unsure of myself. In their own eccentric way, he and Reggie always know how to give me the best pep talks. I’m grateful to have them at moments like this.
“you guys are right,” I say. Their little sermon has worked because something inside my mind begins to stir. It feels like a tinderbox sparking. I can’t just lay back and cry like a baby because Kas is missing. I need to make whoever has her pay for even thinking they could take my mate with no consequences.

I stand up and roll my shoulders like I’m readying myself for a fight, “Enough with the pity party. I need to go upstairs and pick out a suit and figure out what I want to say tomorrow. Fuck what the PR team’s script says. We’re doing this my way.”

“That’s my boy,” Milo says, clapping me on the back with a huge smile, “Wear one of the eye patches Kas has given you.”

“Good idea,” I nod and stand up, feeling much better than I did when I came outside, “Thank you guys. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”


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