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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 143

Chapter 11

The doctors run every test they can think of but can’t find anything wrong with Kas other than the fact that she's exhausted. They determine that she didn’t ingest known poisons. Thank the Goddess for that. They attribute the exhaustion to using so much energy when she almost drowned in the pool.

Based on how much weight she lost since the last time she had a checkup, the doctor doesn’t think she has had anything to eat in the four days she was missing. I try to convince her to eat or drink anything. She appeases me by drinking a few sips of water, but pushes away any food we try to give her. She won’t even take a bite of a banana, which is her favorite. When I found Kas two years ago, she was severely underweight from not being allowed to eat regularly. It took weeks before she could adjust to a normal diet. Since then, she has become a ravenous eater. Never turning down a meal, always snacking on veggies ora piece of fruit.

“Come on, Kas. Just a few bites of toast, at least. A little something in your stomach might kick start your appetite. Please,” I beg her.

“I’ll eat when I’m hungry, Bronx,” she insists, gently pushing the plate of toast away.

“Okay, how about a protein shake, just enough to get some calories in you?” I try to offer an alternative.

She just scrunches up her nose at the idea and shakes her head.

“Kas, we’re worried about you. You’ve lost almost ten pounds in four days. I can’t stand to see you lose more,” I stroke her cheek while I confess my concern.
“I’'m fine, Bronx. If I wasn’t, I would tell you. You know that,” she says with a promise.

“Give her a rabbit,” Saint huffs, also frustrated that his mate won’t eat. |

“A rabbit?”

“Yeah, that’s what Lex hunts for when she’s hungry. I can go out and find one right now and bring it to her,” he offers.

“Let’s hold off on raw meat while she is in human form, buddy. But I appreciate the offer.”

“Have it your way,” he shrugs and goes to lie down in the back of my mind. I can sense that he is still paying close attention to make sure Kas is alright. 3

Kas places her hand on top of mine and leans into my palm. There is something more in her eyes, but I can’t place it. Something more primal, like she has somehow tapped into a more wild part of her essence. I can sense her emotions have more depth to her already ancient soul. When I look at her, I feel like I could fall into the violet pools of her eyes and be content for the rest of my life.

She is shocked to hear she was missing for four days. Even weirder than that, Kas says she can’t remember anything except for a woman with red eyes and a Lenora look-alike having her drink out of an old cup. Reggie and I try to press her for more details, but she doesn’t have any. Only that she was in a dark room and a woman who looked like my sister asked her to drink out of an old metal goblet. She doesn’t remember the woman with red eyes saying anything. It isn’t much to go on but Reggie goes to do research on famous enchanted goblets to see if he can find any pictures Kas can recognize. I ask Milo to look into creatures who have red eyes.

To be on the safe side, the doctor and I convince Kas to stay in the hospital overnight for observation. She agrees under the condition that I’m allowed to stay with her. Of course I agree. How could I not? They would have to drag me out of that room. °

After a couple hours of people coming in and out to check on Kas, things finally settle down and she can close her eyes. Seeing her finally be able to relax gives mea sense of relief.

The quiet is interrupted by a mind link from James, “ Alpha. Sorry for the interruption. Is it true? Is the Luna back?” |

“Yeah, she’s back, James. We’re keeping her in the hospital wing for the night for observation.”

“Thank the Goddess! Delilah wants to come see her. Can she come now or should I have her wait until the morning?”

“You know Delilah is always welcome. Have her come now. We are having trouble getting Kas to eat. Maybe she has something that can help?”

James chuckles, “I am sure she has something in that bag of tricks. We will be there shortly.”

Delilah is James’s mate and Kas’s business partner at the bakery. James met her when he and Marco were guarding Kas during an extended stay at a witch's coven. She and Kas are also best friends. They care for each other so much; it is almost like they are siblings. There is nothing one wouldn’t sacrifice for the other. Delilah also happens to be a powerful witch and talented potion master.

While Kas insists her abilities are not magic, we have found that magic has helped when things go haywire with her. It was the reason she went to the Coven for training in the first place. She and Delilah still go every six months to visit and get themselves refreshed. Having Delilah available when Kas is in need has been invaluable on more than one occasion. There is a light knock at the door. Kas is finally sleeping peacefully. I want to let her sleep, but I know it would upset her if I told her Delilah had come, but I didn’t wake her. I brush her bangs out of her face and kiss her forehead before going to open the door.
Delilah is on the other side with tears in her big blue eyes. James is standing behind her, looking a bit anxious, holding what looks like an old timey doctor's bag. Delilah keeps potions in there. While we have an agreement that she is not allowed to perform most magic on pack territory, we occasionally make exceptions if the need should arise.

“Alpha, something seems off,” he murmurs next to me, “Did you notice it? It’s something with her eyes.”
“Yeah. I can’t pinpoint what it is though,” I nod, “We can figure it out once we get some food into her.”


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