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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 146

Chapter 14

Lenora's POV

Musu and I meet in my office fifteen minutes after I mind link her to let her know we have new information and need her help immediately. She is dressed casually, a light blue tank top and white jeans. The combination makes her deep complexion look even darker. She has her hair wrapped in a blue and white silk scarf, hiding her beautiful twisted black hair.

"I apologize for my appearance, Beta. I wasn't expecting to leave the house today, but since Marco got called in, I got dressed quickly and came here with him," her dark wide-set eyes are filled with an unneeded apology.

“It's alright, Musu. I am appreciative that you even agreed right now," I praise her in return, “So here's what the Alpha told me. He wants information on a group called The Feral and the leader of the group. A woman named Cora, who may have magical abilities. He didn't say she is a witch, but maybe?”

"I don't know about the name Cora, but I think I saw a book in Alpha Bronx's private library that referenced Agrios. I know it's an old Greek word, hmm let me do a quick internet search," she flips open her laptop and starts typing. After a moment, she turns the screen toward me, "The word itself means wild or savage, but in Greek mythology, there was a Gigantes created to fight the Olympian gods during the Giant War, named Agrios. He was supposed to replace the Moirai, who are more commonly known as The Fates. It never came to be because someone killed Agrios during the


"Okay. I will look into the definition side, you look further into the mythology side. Look for any covens or witch subcultures that somehow identify with the Gigante or maybe even the Fates.,” I write some notes on my notepad, “Bronx has restricted the fifth floor today, so no getting into his library.” 1

"I can make do, Beta. Mind if I sit at the conference table?”

“Have at it, Musu. Let's regroup in forty-five minutes. Thank you again for coming in at the last minute," I turn to my laptop to get started.

Musu doesn't get up. I look back to her to see she has a concerned look on her face, “Is everything alright?" “I don't mean to overstep, but now that we have found the Luna, do you think it is a good time to discuss the video with Alpha Bronx?”

I audibly sigh, “Yeah, there isn't really any avoiding it now."

She nods and makes her way to the meeting table in the back of the room.

Half an hour later, a knock interrupts our research.

“Come in!”

The door opens and Bronx steps in. Milo and Reggie follow behind him. I feel a small pit in my stomach expecting Bronx's reaction when we show him the video.

“Well, don't the three of you look dashing," I smile, resting my hand on my chin, referring to the suits they have on. Bronx is even wearing a tie.

"Thanks, Sugar,” Milo smiles and leans over the desk to kiss me on the cheek.

Bronx and Reggie sit in the chairs across from me while Milo sits on the edge of my desk. Musu approaches and regards them all formally.

"Leni, we're going to MasonCo headquarters in a few minutes. The news outlets haven't even received the video file yet, but Ashley says a ton of reporters and paparazzi are already queued up outside. They caught wind from the media outlets that there is going to be an announcement in an hour,” Bronx says in a serious tone.

"Alright. We are looking into the information you gave us. Musu, take it away,” I gesture to her.


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