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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 151

Chapter 19

Musu's POV

When Lenora got a mind link that there was an emergency on the fifth floor, she ordered me to stay in her office. As soon as the door closed behind her, it seemed like the world turned deathly silent. I tried to mind link Marco, but he had a block up to avoid interruption. Something really serious must be happening

I try to focus on work again, but after about half an hour, I can't concentrate anymore. I get up and start pacing around the room, picking up nicknacks, setting them back down, and straightening furniture as I wander back and forth. When that doesn't calm me, I adjust piles of paper, flip channels on the television, refresh the browser on my laptop. Nothing seems to hold my attention. When I finally sit back down on the loveseat, a couple twists of hair fall into my face. I blow them out of the way with a strong puff of air in my mouth, but they fall back into the same place. I don't know how it even fell out of my head wrap. Which reminds me, I need to make an appointment at the salon. I look at my wristwatch. It's only been ten minutes. I pick up my cell phone and call my mother, but she doesn't answer. I give a frustrated sigh and look at my watch again. It is late in France. She must be asleep. I toss the phone to the side and lean back on the little sofa, resigned to the fact that I just need to be patient, patting my hands on the tops of my legs.

It doesn't take long with my head leaning back that I start to feel exhausted. The stress of the last couple of weeks has taken a toll on me. I close my eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. A moment later, I feel a hand on mine. Warm sparks flow from the contact. My eyes snap open and I suddenly sit up straight to find Marco kneeling in front of me.

"Mi Corazón, I'm sorry I left you alone for so long. Beta Lenora is sending you and me home for the day,” he says mournfully.

“Marco, Mon Loup, what's wrong? What happened?” I take his distressed face in my hands.

"Let's go home, Musu. I-I just can't...I-It's just too much. Please, let's get outta here,” he shakes his head like he is in denial or something.

“Alright, let me drive. I think you need me to take care of you today, not the other way around,” I stand up, take his hand, and lead him out of the office.

When we get to the house, he tells me he'll be inside soon. He just wants a few minutes of fresh air. I go in and set the kettle on the stove so I can make tea. I watch from the window as he leans his elbows on the railing and puts his face in his hands.

I have never seen him struggle like this, and I'm not sure how to help. I need him to at least tell me what put him in such a state, but he isn't ready to talk.

“I know you like your tea, Musu, but let's go for a run with our mate,” Mercy suggests in my mind, “You can talk to him when we get back.”

"If you think it would help, I'm willing to do anything,” I shake my head, still looking out the window at Marco.

“You need to talk to him as much as he needs to talk to you," she reminds me.

I sigh, “Yes, you're right as usual, Mercy.”

I turn off the stove and step outside.

"Marco, let's go for a run," I whisper loudly as I wrap my arms around his waist from behind, “It will make both of us feel better. We can spill secrets when we get home. I'll even order pizza so you don't have to worry about me burning the house down.” 1

I feel a slight chuckle in his chest, “You must have read my mind, mi belleza de ébano, let's go.”


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