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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 162

Chapter 70

I smile warmly as my friend recognizes me.

"Delilah, why are you here? Where’s Bronx?" I ask with a yawn and a big stretch.

She yawns too, stretching her long spindly arms, before she pushes her light brown hair out of her eyes.

Her French accent is thicker than usual as she wakes up, "He’s downstairs with everyone else completing the Santoro deal.Oh, except Musu.She’s in your living room doing research."

"Oh, okay," I nod with acceptance while the fog in my brain clears, "Wait, why does that mean you and Musu need to be here? Not that I mind."

"You have been asleep for a day and a half.The Alpha wanted someone keeping an eye on you at all times when he is not here.I volunteered this time.Musu and I have been taking turns."

"Musu is here too?"

This gives me an idea.I could really use a good chat with both of them about Leticia, but before that I want to spend time with my best friend.I have missed her so much.

Other than Bronx, I spent most of my time with Delilah.

She and I are both perfectly content with that.

Outside of the Coven's realm, where time operates much differently, she is only a year older than me.

If my conversion time conversion is right, I think she is over a thousand years old.

An old soul, like me.

For the sake of our relationship, I like to think she is twenty.

It makes it a little easier to connect with her than Lenora or Ashley, who are in their mid- twenties

I pull back the covers and pat on the bed so she will come lay down next to me like we do when James is on duty and Bronx is out of town on business.

We like to binge watch Chopped or baking competitions and eat junk food until we fall asleep in my bed.

We come up with our best menu ideas that way.

I miss my best friend.

It feels like I haven’t spoken to her in weeks.

She giggles a little and slides onto the bed next to me.

Once she snuggles in the bed with me, I throw the covers over her and give her a big hug.

She hugs me back tightly before she lies on her back and takes my hand in hers, holding it to her heart.

"Talk to me mon ami [my friend].иσνєℓєвσσк.¢σмHow are you? How’s the baby? Everything.We haven't had any time for bavardé [gossip] in forever," I smile at her.

"Where to start?" her mesmerizing voice sounds like little solstice bells jingling in the air, "First off, the baby, he is doing wonderfully."

"He? You're having a boy?" I ask excitedly.

"Oui," she smiles back.

Her ever changing blue eyes looking a little teary, "We are naming him Alexander. James picked it out."

"Delilah, I am so happy for you and James.Can I please help you shop for the nursery? I need to spoil my nephew."

"Of course! I can’t imagine going without you," she giggles, "James looked a little overwhelmed when I asked him if he preferred blue or green for the paint.I can’t imagine his reaction if I ask him to help shop for furniture."

"That definitely sounds like James,"

I giggle in return, "So what did the doctor say? We had a hybrid specialist come in, right?"

"Yes, he says my pregnancy will be seven months instead of five, since it is a hybrid pup.Witches usually have a pregnancy like humans.We even got to hear the heartbeat.It was so sweet, Kas.Even James got tears in his eyes.I am ten weeks along.So four and a half months left," she gives me a happy but tired look.

"And how are you feeling, because that face looks more tired than the open shift before an espresso at the bakery," squeezing her hand to show her my support.

"Don’t mention espresso," she laughs hardily, then pulls her face into a pout, "I’m not allowed to have coffee, according to the doctor.I tried to sneak a few sips the other day and had to make a draught for heartburn.I can't even eat my favorite cheeses.Can you believe it?"

"Okay, okay, no coffee until after Alexander is here," I pout along with her.


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