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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 165

Chapter 73

Marco's POV

I groan and lean my head on the table. I hate this. My family lineage is not who I am, and I hate people knowing about it.

"No. I ain't a Beta. My uncle is a Beta. My dad is the younger brother, so he didn’t get no ranked title. I’m just a pack warrior, like you, James," I sit up and shake my head.

"So you're a regular old pack warrior with Beta blood?” James says with a whole lotta sarcasm in his voice.

“Actually,” Alpha Bronx interrupts. I look up at him to see a sly look on his face.

"FINALLY, some damn recognition for who we are," my wolf Clash huffs.

Oh man, please don't do it. Please don't do it. I beg in my mind.

"He's a regular old pack warrior with Alpha blood,” the Alpha finishes his thought.Shit. Why does he have to call me out like that?

"Because you co, ese!" Clash growls at me, "Stop denying it and GET OVER YOURSELF!”

"Alpha, please stop. I’m no Beta and I certainly ain’t no Alpha,” I can feel my face getting flush with embarrassment.

Clash groans at my statement.

"Hold up, Marco. I'm gonna need you to explain this to me better. Is it too early for a beer? It seems like this is a conversation to have over beer," James says. He sounds confused and looks a little pale.

"I will get you two a beer but I have more meetings this afternoon, so I'm going to stick to water for now,” Alpha Bronx gets up from the table with a sly smile on his face and goes to the kitchen.

James and I just sit there in awkward silence until he gets back with a bottle for each of US. He sits down in his chair and leans back with his arms crossed.

"Alright, Marco, please proceed. I've never heard this from your perspective before. Just your dad's," Alpha Bronx makes a motion with his hand like he is giving me permission to tell the story and crosses his arms.

"So, like Alpha Bronx said, my old man came here when he met my mom. The Granite Mountain pack is tiny. My abuelo [grandfather] was a Beta.

When his Alpha retired and Alpha's son became new Alpha, he made my uncle Roberto the Beta. They don't got no Gammas. So there was no ranked position for my dad," I take a deep drink from my bottle and look at James to check his reaction.

‘That doesn't explain how you could have Alpha blood, Marco," James looks at me like he's trying to find the truth in my eyes. I sigh and take another drink before I talk again, "My abuelo’s older brother was his Alpha. So technically, yeah, I could have

Alpha blood, but I never got no blood tests to confirm it. I don't need to. I'm the youngest of five brothers. There ain't no situation where I would have to take a Beta's place let alone an Alpha’s. I’m too far down the chain. There ain’t no way any of that is part of my DNA. My oldest brother Luis, probably, but definitely not me."

"Marco, you're joking, right? Look how big you are compared to your brothers. Shit, you're almost as tall as Bronx and practically as strong as him. There’s no way you don’t have Beta blood. I would put money on you having Alpha blood,” James says. His eyes are wide, like he can't believe that I don't have any special blood in me.

Alpha Bronx laces up his fingers and puts his hands on top of his head, still leaning back in his seat, "We could get the blood tests done if you wanted to, Marco. If it would make you feel better."

"I don't want no stupid blood tests, Alpha. It don't make a difference in who I am and what my life is. Nothing changes with whatever would show up on that piece of paper,” I explain, "I don't want no one to treat me any different than they do now. I especially don't want them to think of me any different."

"Marco. Your lineage is something to be proud of. All those years your dad trained US growing up and no one ever said anything? Not your dad, your brothers or you? Why?" James still don't understand why I try not to talk about it.

Marco sighs, "Dad’s a proud guy. He didn't want people to know he came here because he couldn't be a ranked member somewhere else and he always taught US it didn't matter. The only thing that matters is hard work and to earn your keep.”


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