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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 166

Chapter 74

Bronx's POV

Having Kas actually in my arms, smiling and happy, feels like a dream. The last time I saw her awake was right after she healed Ashley. Since then, she has just been sleeping. I've had the pack doctors check on her, but they said she was fine, she just needed sleep.

"I saw you in here with Delilah and Musu," I nuzzle her cheek while I speak," You looked like a mama wolf protecting her cubs. A true Luna protecting her pack. I love seeing you like that.”

"Mmmm, well, if we play our cards right, one day I could be a mama wolf protecting her cubs," she coos at me. Between the look in her eyes and hearing those words, it makes my heart hit a hard beat.

"I mean, I don't know if I’ve done whatever Zeus said I need to do yet to have a pup, but I mean, maybe we shouldn't waste this opportunity to practice making one, you know, just in case,” Kas says in her most innocent voice. She kisses the spot between my jawline and lip that makes me close my eye and sigh while she unbuttons my shirt.

I feel Saint stirring, making a deep growl rumble in my chest. I pull her closer and kiss her more deeply before I remember I'm not finished with meetings for the day.

"As tempting as that sounds, Kas, I don’t have an opportunity right now. I need to head back down to the conference room to finish getting this contract secured, but after that, I'm all yours," I say, kissing her back between my words.

"You are such an idiot,” Saint growls at me, “she is literally undressing you! You're not even going to try to make a pup with her right now? What happened to getting to be a dad? Huh? That will never happen if you don’t at least try!"

"Saint, stop it. What's got into you?” I snap back at him.

"How about over a week without getting to spend time with our mate and other than ten minutes in the weight room the other day, I haven't gotten to spend time with Lex in like two weeks!" I feel him losing his temper as he snarls, pacing in my head.

He has a point, but that still doesn't mean I can spend the next hour or so in the apartment. I look at my watch. I need to be in the conference room in ten minutes.

‘Tell you what, Baby. After dinner, let's let Lex and Saint out for a run. I'll tell the guards to give them a little space. Then we can have some uninterrupted time to ourselves. Does that sound like a plan to you?" I kiss her softly. Without even thinking, I brush my hand on the inside of her thigh and give it a gentle squeeze.

"If you keep your hand there much longer, then no. It doesn't sound like a plan at all because I don't know how you think you'll be getting out of this bedroom, much less this apartment,” she says with a heavy breath. I feel her push her ass against me and her fingers take my belt off. I close my eye again and growl, "Kas, I-”

Kas grabs the back of my head and pulls me toward her for a kiss. Her tongue presses against my mouth, requesting entrance. I gladly oblige and bring her closer to me. I feel myself getting harder as she grinds against my lap, unbuckling my belt at the same time. I help her unbutton and unzip my pants and pull on her leg so she can straddle me, but she pushes my hand away.

"Lean back, Sweetheart,” she purrs into my ear, gently pushing on my chest and sliding off my lap. I lean back, propping myself up on my elbows while Kas moves herself between my legs and pulls my pants and underwear down until they are completely off. I watch as she slides her hands up the insides of my legs and presses against my knees to push them further apart, giving her more room to position herself.


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