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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 168

Chapter 76

I try to roll over to get out of bed so I can get a shower, but Bronx tugs me back down and pulls me until my back is close against his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I need to get cleaned up, Sweetheart. I'll be back after my shower," I giggle and scrunch up my shoulders as he nibbles at the spot on my neck below my ear.

"Nope," he growls playfully from somewhere in my hair. I feel him take a deep breath, "I like when you smell like me."

"I like when I smell like you too, but I don't enjoy laying in bed feeling sweaty and sticky. Give me ten minutes," I turn in his arms to face him.

"Five," he kisses my forehead and drapes his leg over me, trapping me against him.

"Eight," I negotiate for more time.

"You drive a hard bargain, Kas Mason,” he grumbles, burying his nose back in my hair.

"My husband says I'm a damn good businesswoman,” I smile into his chest and give a gentle nip on his marking spot that isn't completely healed. I feel him shiver happily at the sensation.

"That guy is one lucky son of a bitch," Bronx chuckles in his gruff voice. He rolls me on top of him and nuzzles my cheek, "Seven minutes or I'm coming in after you.”

"I'm not sure if that's a threat or a promise," I giggle, giving him little kisses on his mouth. The idea of straddling him again is tempting, but I really need to get my shower and go to sleep. I look at the clock. It's after midnight and I have training with Marco and James at five a.m..

Bronx and I have been messing around ever since we got back from letting Lex and Saint spend time together.

"If you're not back in seven minutes you'll find out,” he pretends to snap his teeth against my ear, making me squeal as I slide off of his chest and run on my tiptoes to the bathroom.

Once the shower is warm and I’m comfortable under the stream of the water, Lex catches my attention.

"Kas, we need to finish our conversation from earlier,” she insists.

“Okay, Lex. I'm all ears for the next six minutes," I tell her as I massage shampoo through my hair.

"So, I was telling you about Bronx’s lineage.”

“Yeah, Perses. Titan God of Destruction, right?”

"Yeah. When Zeus said Mother and Endymion could have children and allowed those children to be goddesses, he didn't know they would fuck like bunnies and have forty of them.”

"Language, Lex. And you mean fifty. There are fifty Manae,” I correct her as I rinse the shampoo.

"Well, there are fifty now. There were some problems with your sisters trying to overpower some of the other gods and goddesses during the Giant war. Zeus ordered Mother to fix it or he would take the Manae away from her. So she asked him to change the calendar so she could have ten more daughters. The daughters would bring balance to the Manae.”

"The Mavri Magea?”

‘Yeah, the Mavri Magea. Zeus agreed the calendar could have forty-nine months for one cycle and fifty for a second cycle. He warned our Mother the Mavri Magea, needed to be strong to stand up to the rest of the Manae. While the rest of your sisters have abilities that help people and bring strength, Mother implored the Goddess Hecate to give you and the rest of the Mavri Magea abilities to stop them."


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