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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 169

Chapter 77

Marco picks me up at five a.m. sharp and takes me down to the training ground. James is there with Delilan and Tyree.

"Hi Delilah... Tyree...what are you guys doing here?" I smile, happy to see them.

"Kas, Alpha Bronx is making some updates on the team. We wanted to surprise you and introduce your newest full time guard and magic advisor," Marco says with a smile, motioning to Tyree and Delilah.

"Really?" my eyes light up as I look at Delilah, who winks at me, then at Tyree with his arms crossed in front of him, smiling cheerfully.

"I'm glad I will get to be with you full time from now on, Luna," Tyree says, his dark eyes twinkle in the early morning light, "Although the Gamma was kinda bummed out that he needs to find a new scout."

James steps forward and speaks now, "Kas, we are bringing on Tyree because I won't be on physical duty for you as often anymore. I mean sometimes, but mostly, I am going to be working with Gamma Reggie, Beta Lenora, and Musu. We are going to be keeping a closer eye on things in the world to make sure you are not in danger."

"So you are my eye in the sky?" I try not to giggle.

James chuckles, "Yeah, think of me as the eye in the sky. And if we think you could be in danger or if you need Delilah or me at any time, all you need to do is give the word and we will be there right away."

"Thank you, James. I'm so excited for you," I feel myself hopping on my toes and clapping a little. Delilan takes James's hand and gives it a supportive kiss.

"I think this guy over here has even bigger news," he points his thumb over his shoulder to Marco.

"Marco, you have news too?" I raise my eyebrows in excitement.

"Yeah, Kas, I do actually," he rubs the back of his neck, looking a little embarrassed. He takes a deep breath before he speaks again, "Starting today, I'm the Lead Guard for your team. Tyree and I are gonna split up guard duty. James will fill in for US occasionally, but like he said, he is going to be focusing on intel. Delilah is going to help you learn how to use your abilities better. Everyone reports to me when it has anything to do with your safety. I report any updates to Alpha Bronx on Monday mornings or as needed.”

"Oh, Marco! This is amazing! We need to celebrate!" I squeal. Carly, Delilah, and Musu did not give me this much detail yesterday, so I am genuinely surprised and happy.

"No need to celebrate, Kas. We got work to do,” Marco insists, putting his hands up.

"Okay, fine. No celebration. Can I at least buy you a new suit?"

"No, Kas, don’t buy me a new suit. I'm fine with the ones I got,” he sighs, trying not to cave in on my requests.

“Come on, Marco. At least let me buy you a new tie,” I relent. He has to let me do something. Lead Guard is a big deal.

"Fine. You can get me a tie but no crazy colors,” he pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration, finally giving in.

"Deal!" I laugh.

“Alright, we gotta get to work,” Marco says more seriously, "Today, you, me, and James is gonna train like we usually do, so Tyree and Delilah can see how it goes. Next time, we are gonna get Tyree to spar with you so we can see where he needs more practice and so we can teach him the things James and I have learned about defending ourselves against your abilities. We are also gonna set aside time for you and Delilah to work together."

"Delilah, you're going to watch US spar?" I turn to her. Delilah is a pacifist. So when she told me yesterday that she would help me learn magic, it surprised me, but now she is going to focus on teaching me how to use my abilities in a fight? That seems like it would go against her morals.

"Kas, after everything you have been through, I understand this is necessary. Lady Camille has agreed, and she supports the decision as well,” Delilah says, "I am a little concerned watching the four of you fight, though. I don't want to see anyone get hurt.”

I step forward and pull Delilah into a tight hug.

‘Thank you, my friend,” I whisper in her ear, ‘Thank you so much.”


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