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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 172

Chapter 40

The closet room used to be a large storage room when Bronx’s parents lived in the apartment. Bronx didn’t need the storage, so he had it converted to a closet. When I moved in with him, Lenora and Ashley filled it with clothes and even had a custom made upholstered bench so people could sit when they were in there. 3

Lenora sits on the bench and scrolls through her phone, telling me the itinerary while I pull out clothes for the week.

After a few minutes, I notice she has gotten really quiet. I look up to see her staring at me with a complicated look on her face.

“Lenora, what’s wrong?” I go sit on the bench next to her and take her hand in mine.

“Kas, I-I have some confessions. I can’t be away with you for a week and not tell you,” her shoulders drop as her green eyes look at me for forgiveness.

“Confessions?” I ask warily, feeling a rock settle into my chest.

Last time someone told me about their confessions, I had a mental breakdown and Lex nearly went feral.

“Yeah, but please promise not to tell Bronx or anyone for that matter,” she begs, gripping my hands in hers now.

“Of course, Lenora. Your secrets are safe with me,” I promise to her.

“Kas, I-I know you can’t have children. And I know that you guys have been trying and obviously nothing has worked. Um, but when Codi was first born, and you guys came to our apartment to see

her, I thought you were going to tell me you were pregnant, but you didn’t. Then when you held Codi and the way she calmed down when you held her. The aura you to get when you hold her. We could all see how special your connection with her was,” Lenora pauses and gulps, trying to hold back tears, “Then Bronx came out of the bathroom and saw you and oh, Kas, the look on his face when he saw you holding her and telling her a fairytale. It made him so happy and broke his heart at the same time. That’s when I knew something was wrong. So we mind linked and he told me about the research Lady Camille had done. That’s when I knew. Over a year now. He promised me not to tell but, it’s so hard to watch you with Codi and knowing that you may never have a pup of your own. Kas, I...” 3

I pull Lenora’s hands up to my lips and give them a gentle kiss as silent tears slide down her face. Lenora never cries. She rarely shows her emotions, but it differs from the way I do. Lenora faces the world head on. She doesn’t hide her fear because she doesn’t have any, nor does she hide away and try to make herself small. She has a natural confidence that people respect and envy at the same time. Sitting here in my closet, letting her be at her most vulnerable and comforting her is, in her mind, the ultimate form of friendship in her mind. I am honored to be the one person out of all the people she knows to sit here with her. 2

“Lenora, it’s going to be okay. Thank you so much for telling me. I know you kept it a secret to protect me and I appreciate it, but I have hope,” I smile at her then stand and pull out the drawer that holds my jewelry. I pull out the oversized walnut I brought back with me from Mount Olympus and hand it to her.

“This is the walnut from Zeus?” she asks, confused.

“Yeah. He told me if I can make it through the chaos of the next

few months and if I make good decisions, he will let me have a baby. A pup of my own, but the Fates haven’t written my destiny that far out yet. So the future is literally in my hands,” I breathe a sigh of relief finally being able to tell someone other than Bronx my exciting news.

“Wait, really?” she looks at the walnut, then back at me, “You were serious about going to Mount Olympus. That wasn’t some weird dream or astral projection or something?”

I giggle and nod at her recognition of what actually happened.

“Oh my Goddess, Kas. That’s so exciting,” her eyes light up now, wiping the tears away, before a look of concern comes over her face, “Wait, what kind of chaos are we talking about here?” 1

“He didn’t really say, and it didn’t seem appropriate to ask the God of Thunder to clarify what he was telling me."

“Good point,” she gives a quick laugh, then her face changes back to serious again, “Are you ready for the next thing?”

“Sure, I mean, how bad can it be?”

“Well, now that I know you could have a pup in the future, not that bad,” she smiles, “Ashley is pregnant, too.”

I feel a really complicated mix of emotions. First Delilah, then Musu, now Ashley? I am so happy for them but frustrated at the same time.

“W-when did you find out?” I ask, not trying to put any pretenses up for Lenora. She would see right through them anyway.

“Right after you dragged my brother out of the room to go beat the shit out of him. As soon as we all unfroze.”

I nod slowly, looking at the floor, trying my hardest to be happy for my friends, “Is there something in the water around here?

Like, should I be drinking more of it or something? Are you about to tell me you’re pregnant too?”

She throws her head back and laughs, “No Kas, I am most definitely not pregnant. Don’t worry. Milo and I have talked about it. We are not ready for another pup. We want to wait a couple years so we can spend quality time with Codi.”

“Okay, thank the Goddess. You said ‘the next thing’. Does that mean there is something else?” I feel my face screw up a little. I don’t know how many more of Lenora’s confessions I can handle right now.

“Uh, yes, just one other thing. I haven’t told this to anyone. Not Bronx, not Milo, not even Ashley.”

“Oh, well, if you haven’t told Ashley, I know it's serious,” I feel my eyes widen.

Ashley isn’t just our Gamma female, she and Lenora best friends, practically inseparable. Once Musu became a member of our pack, the three of them are like three of the most gorgeous peas in a pod anyone has ever seen. All three, tall and lean with completely distinct features. Lenora with her dark hair, olive skin and striking green eyes, Ashley the blonde hair, blue eyed all-American girl, and Musu with her deep skin tone, wide-set eyes, and warm, welcoming smile. 1

I notice Lenora having trouble making eye contact with me now. I tilt my head down to see if I can catch her attention.

“Kas, remember when I first met you? When you came and

knocked on the door to our suite when we were visiting Silver Moon to see if we needed anything before the end of the night?”

“Yeah, I remember. Milo wanted bubbly water,” I smile at the memory.

“Yeah, well, I knew I was going to meet you before I met you,” she says with a confused look on her face.


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