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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 178

Chapter 86

Bronx's POV

When I get back to pack house, there is a distinct negative energy in the air that feels like Kas. If I didn't know better, it's almost like she lost her temper or something and it seems to influence everyone. Even Ashley seems grumpy.

"Ashley, is Kas back? Have you seen her?" I ask when I see her walk by.

"She's in her office. Why?" Ashley snaps at me.

Okay. That's weird. Ashley has never once in the twenty-five years I've known her, come close to raising her voice at me. Even when my mental health was at its worst and I almost killed Reggie. She was nothing but forgiving and worried about me. Maybe it's pregnancy hormones?

"Ashley, watch yourself,” I step in front of her, blocking her path, 'What's gotten into you?"

She looks at me like she is just realizing I'm there. Her face turns bright red with embarrassment, "Oh Alpha, I'm so sorry. What was I thinking? I didn't mean-,”

"It's all right, Ashley. Where's Kas?" I ask again.

"In her office with the rest of her team and the Manae leaders," she says more calmly.

"Thank you. Is this too stressful for you? Covering for Carly? I can find someone else."

"Oh, no, Sir. I'm fine. Seriously. It's just for today. I'm happy to help," she says, nodding and backing away.

"Alright. But you tell me if you need a break, okay?" I look at her more carefully.

"Yes, Alpha!" she calls out as she turns and hurries away.

"Marco, James, where you guys at?" I mind link Kas's guards.

"In the Luna’s office, sir. You should probably get up here. Things are getting a little tense," Marco links back, "and uh, kinda weird."

‘That sounds like a bad combo," Saint puts in his two cents, "What are you waiting for, dummy?"

I run up the steps two at a time until I get to the fourth floor landing. The guards assigned to monitor me stay on my heels as the best they can.

When I get to the stairs to the fifth floor, two guards stand at attention, blocking the way.

"Alpha, are they expecting you?" the guard asks defensively.

“Excuse me?" I glare at him. Has everyone lost their minds today? Did he just ask me if I have permission to go to my private floor of the packhouse?

"I-l'm sorry, Sir,” he says again, shrinking back a little.

"Step aside," I snarl. I don't have time for this shit. I glare as the guard moves to let me through.

‘Who does this guard think he is?” Saint also snarls impatiently.I stop for a second. When was the last time I spoke to a pack member like that? Something is definitely off. The negative energy filling the pack house is already affecting me. I can’t imagine what it is doing to everyone else. Kas must have really been on a tear for it to last this long. I close my eye and take a deep breath, clearing my mind before I go up the steps.

There's another guard at the top of the steps who lets me through with a cautious look. I jog down the hallway until I see Tyree and another guard are in front of Kas's office door.

‘Tyree, what the Hell is going on? What's with the extra security?"

“Alpha, things didn't go so hot in the botanical gardens today. Marco and I thought Lex was going to kill that Tessa girl," he admits, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Lex? Kas shifted in the botanical garden?" I feel the blood drain from my face. Why didn’t anyone call me?

"No Alpha, Lex came to the surface. So did Tessa's wolf. Her name is Valor. I don't mean any disrespect to any of the Goddesses but that wolf… she's one crazy bitch,” he clarifies and shakes his head, "It was a hot mess."

I pause again. I have never heard Tyree say anything derogatory about anyone. He is always jovial and friendly, making everyone feel welcome.

“And all of them are in there now?" I point to the office door.

"Yes Alpha, and Marco, James, Musu, and Delilah,” he has a scowl on his face as he looks toward the door.

‘Bronx, why does it feel like everyone is trying to slow US down from getting to our mate?" Saint asks. it does feel like that, doesn't it?” I agree with Saint for once. No one in the pack has ever questioned me trying to get to Kas before.

“Alright, I've got it from here, Tyree,” I give him a nod and step up to the office.

I Knock on the door and open it without waiting for a response.

The first thing I see is Tessa sobbing and rocking herself in her chair. Next to her is Katherine, with body posture as tight as a guitar string. Amari and Persephone are avoiding eye contact with everyone. Across the table, Marco and James are assessing the situation as calmly as possible. Then I see Musu and Delilah also trying not to make eye contact with anyone. The air is so thick with tension and anger that you could choke on it.

Everyone stops what they're doing when they see me except for Tessa, who can't stop crying. They all look at me as if they are silently pleading for help.

Seriously though, what is going on in here?


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