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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 181

Chapter 89

As we make our way across the room, people begin to notice Bronx and me.

They stop to pay their respects and smile, happy to see us together and holding hands, looking healthy.

They look at him longer than usual, as if they are trying to figure out what is different about him.

It’s not clear whether they notice it, but no one points out his missing eye patch.

As we get to the head table, Lenora is sitting next to Codi, who claps happily in her high chair when she sees us.

Lenora is digging through a diaper bag looking for something to keep Codi occupied until the kitchen staff can bring food for her.

Bronx conveniently lets go of my hand before Lenora notices us and makes his way in the opposite direction to avoid her.

"Au Kal"

Codi squeals and raises her arms up to me, clapping gleefully.

Lenora smiles and pulls the toddler from the seat.She gives her a kiss on her chubby cheek and hands her to me.I gladly pull her into my arms and give her raspberries while she giggles and claps.

"She’s all yours, Aunt Kas.She has been a terror today wanting to see you but she keeps calling you Kat, not Kas.Something we need to work on, I guess" Lenora says.

"Well, I will keep an eye on her, but you need to speak to your brother.He has some news for you before we sit down for his announcements," I say nonchalantly. I tilt my head in his direction as I walk away with Codi.

"Wait - Are you-?"

"No, Lenora, I'm not."

I confirm before she can get the words out of her mouth.I don’t need any rumors starting about being pregnant.As I step away with Codi in my arms, I hear Lenora gasp and Bronx laugh.

Milo and Reggie walk past me with concerned looks on their faces.

"What's going on, Little Sister is Bronx alright??" Milo asks, stopping in front of me.Ashley said we needed to find him right away."

"Go see for yourself," I smile and motion to Bronx, who is being hugged tightly by his sister.

Tears are streaming down Lenora's face.

Milo and Reggie give each other a concerned look and jog off to go see what's going on.

I smile at them and take Codi further into the crowd.

"What do we have here?"

I hear Delilah's beautiful voice chimes like bells at me.

Behind her, James is speaking to an off duty guard, "You look like the cat who swallowed the canary, lokaste Mason.You also look exhausted.Are you alright? You had me worried in the conference room earlier."

She pinches Codi's cheek and coos at her, but keeps her eyes on me searching my face with concern.

"I’m fine, Delilah.You'll see why I’m so tired when Bronx gives his speech to the pack," I say, looking around the room, trying to avoid her gaze.

She has a way of making you want to tell her the truth when you look her in the eye, "I see some of my sisters.Let's go try to make peace.What do you say?"

"So we aren't going to talk about what happened in your office today?" Delilah asks as we make our way through the crowd.

"Nope.Tonight is about celebration and fellowship, Delilah.We can discuss whatever happened earlier, tomorrow, when we reconvene with my sisters," I dismiss her concerns.

I hear her give a little frustrated sigh while I greet pack members who are happy to see me, but she drops the issue.

We make our way through the crowds, saying hello and making small talk with people until we find Amari and some of her Giatros.

"Amari, I-I want to apologize for today,"

I look at her sympathetically, "I need to do a better job at controlling emotions.

"It's okay, Kas.Things happen.We’ll be able to start fresh tomorrow," she nods in understanding, "If you think that is the worst we have been through in the thousands of years we have been alive, you are mistaken."

"Hi," Codi's giggly little voice says shyly to Amari.I look down as she buries her face in my shoulder.


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