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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 183

Chapter 51

As we leave the conference room, I agree to let anyone who wants to go for a run on pack territory after dinner go, as long as they are escorted by one of our guards to make sure they don’t get lost or end up going over a cliff into the Blood River. She thanks me deeply and scurries off to let her sister know the good news.

Katherine steps forward, "Alpha Mason, thank you so much for making our pack members feel welcomed. Persephone will be relieved, I'm sure."

"Please, you can call me Alpha Bronx. Save the formalities for business hours," I bow slightly to her.

We watch as the blonde and red-headed women all head up to the guest suites, with the couple of men on their team following dutifully.

"What in the Goddess name is happening right now?" I ask out loud, "Uh, Milo, have a couple of senior guards escort anyone who wants to go for a run. We need to monitor whatever the Hell is happening right now."

"Yes Alpha," he nods with his hands on his hips. 1

"D-did Amari say Persephone is her sister? Wouldn't that mean-"

I cut Reggie off before he finishes, "Yeah. All three are Manae. Did you see all their female staff? They were all either blonde or red-heads. I'm thinking they are all Manae.”

"Holy shit," Milo whispers loudly, "What do we do?"

"We talk about it later. For now, play dumb and get ready for dinner," I order. 2 ***

"Kas?" I whisper into the phone. She was so sleepy when she called. I already know she has fallen asleep, but I just want to make sure. There is one thing you can always count on with Kas, she works hard and sleeps hard. I always try my best not to interrupt her when she’s sleeping. I figure she had enough late nights and early mornings growing up that she deserves the sleep she gets now.

I smile when I’m answered with her little snores. I wait another minute, closing my eye and imagining wrapping my arms around my sleepy little mate and burying my nose into her hair, breathing in her fresh rain and lilac scent. It’s not the same as the real thing. I look at the phone but all I can see is her chin and the side of her scarred neck before I make myself end the video call.

I throw my towel into the laundry basket and put on my sweatpants. When I take a deep breath and notice Milo and Reggies' scents coming from outside the bedroom. I head back out into the living room; Milo and Reggie are both on the sofa, looking at their phones.

"What are you guys doing here? How did you get in?"

'Your parents let me use your key," Milo says, not looking up from his phone.

"Is Kas doing okay?" Reggie asks, not looking up from his phone.

"What the fuck? You were listening to my conversation in my own home?" I growl.

"Calm down, Lover Boy. We couldn’t help but overhear. We came to talk about whatever the Hell it was that happened today," Milo retorts, dismissing my mood.

I relax a little, reminding myself that these are my friends. They mean me no harm.

'Yeah, Kas just fell asleep," I look at my phone, wishing she was still awake, "Gimme a second, I need to send some te-."

Milo laughs maniacally before I finish my sentence.

"What's so funny?" I drop my arms, feeling a little annoyed at his outburst.

"I'm watching the video of Kas kicking your ass around the training ring,” he wipes his tears of laughter as I hear people oohing from his phone.

I roll my eye and motion to Reggie, "Let me guess, you're watching it too?"

"Ah, no. I'm watching Kas's speech to Silver Moon. She looks so confide-," He finally looks up at me.

A curious look comes over his face, "No eye patch tonight?"

"Nah. Kas got me in the habit of not wearing it around the apartment.

Besides, it's just the three of us. Nothing you've never seen before," I wave him off. They were there when I lost my eye. They have seen me without the eyepatch thousands of times. I lean against the breakfast bar, taking out my phone.

Bronx: Leni make sure Kas gets into pajamas please? She fell asleep dressed

Lenora: No problem

Lenora: How was today?

Bronx: Weird. Find time to call tomorrow. I will catch you up - gn

Lenora: ok. I'll try - gn

Bronx: Marco - food delivery service will be there tomorrow at 7am. Make sure she eats.

Marco: yes alpha im on it

"If he doesn't make her eat-" Saint growls,

"Saint, I trust Marco to make sure Kas eats. She will be fine. It was just a big day for her. She was nervous, but you saw the video. That is the Luna we both know she can be. We just needed to give her the chance," I do my best to calm him down.


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