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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 185

Chapter 93

I watch from the doorway as Cora sweetly whispers a Greek lullaby to Kas before she leaves.She kisses her forehead and brushes her sister’s cheek before she finally leaves the room.

"I will stay for now.I can say goodbye when she wakes up.Then I will make peace with my fate.I must help my Agrios.If their wolves come here, please have kindness,"

Cora requests in a soft tone as she watches Kas from the doorway.I hold my hand out to her, palm up, so she can place hers in mine, extending the courtesy of the more primal interaction to make her comfortable.

When the sensation of her ambient energy courses through me, I feel Saint howling with happiness.

As much as he tries to play it off, it's clear that she is special to him, too.

"Thank you for helping me understand, Cora.I have another question,"

I look her in the eye.

She simply nods with approval to ask, "My guard Marco told me you said you had to be named Persephone.Why is that?"

"Because of the Waiting Room," she looks to the ground.

For a moment, I think she is going to pull her hand away, but she keeps it on top of mine, "The Waiting Room was a gift from Mespyrian.Goddess of, ahhh...vasanistirio?"

I pull out my phone and find a translator site.I hold the phone between us, "Can you say it again?"

She repeats herself tentatively, leaning her face toward the phone, like she’s not sure how it works.I realize when she backs away, she probably doesn’t know how it works.I look at the translation on the screen and my eyes go wide.

"The Goddess of Torture?" I feel my voice crack.

"Yes.Goddess Persephone’s daughter.Gift to our Mother in return for honor to her Mother," Cora explains.

"So your name was different before Goddess Mespyrian created the Waiting Room?"иσνєℓєвσσк.¢σмI ask cautiously.I can’t imagine having your name taken away from you because someone wants to honor their mother.

"It is no matter, Bronx.A dead name," she looks at me blankly.

"I know two people who it matters to, Cora," I point into the room where Kas is sleeping, then at myself.

The indecision on her face looks uncomfortable.She looks in the room again, then back at me.

"Maya," she says in a whisper, looking to the ground again as if she has said something forbidden.

"Maya, I look forward to raising you.Please, may I?"

I gently pull her hand towards me.

When I feel her take a step closer, I wrap her in a hug.She tenses up for a moment, then relaxes in my arms with a deep sigh.

"Always a good father," she pats me on the back before she pulls away, "Send for me and I will come to say my goodbye."

I nod and watch as she walks silently down the hall.

When she is around the corner, I go back into the room.

I sit in the chair and lean against the side of the bed, letting my arm drape across Kas’s waist.

The ticking of the second hand on the wall clock lulls me into a sense of calm as I admire my beautiful mate.

What has my life turned into? A world of Greek gods and goddesses? Reincarnated hundreds of times? My mate gives birth to her sister and vice versa, over and over? It’s all so unbelievable.

My eyes snap open when I feel fingers running through my hair.I sit up with a deep breath and look around on high alert.

Kas is smiling sleepily at me from her spot on the bed.I look up at the clock, eleven-fifteen a.m.

"Good morning, Sweetheart," Kas’s voice sounds dry.

"Good morning, Baby.Let me get you some water,"


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