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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 30

Bronx's POV


I spend the remainder of the weekend at Lune D'or. I catch up with Henri and his son Martin who is now Alpha Regent and join in on a pack run. I even lead a couple of training sessions with their elite warriors. At dinner on Saturday evening, I meet Martin's in-laws. They own a bakery in town. The kitchen staff had told them about Kas wanting to learn how to make croissants which they found endearing. They give me their family recipe for baguettes to give to Kas when she gets home. It's in French, so I need to see if Cason will translate it for me. I know she's going to love it.


Surprisingly, I don't feel empty like I had the last time I left Kas. It's almost like our time together energized and motivated me. I doa lot of research and get a ton of work done on the flight home and feel refreshed when I land. I'm completely ready to dive into work for MasonCo and bide my time until I see Kas again.


When I get to the packhouse, I start to feel the sadness creep in but I refuse to wallow in sorrow. I drop my things in my apartment, then head to my office. Carly takes the recipe to give to Cason for translation. Then I mind link Milo and Reggie to meet me in my office so we could discuss James's mate situation. | "How's Kas? Is the training helping? Does she miss us?" Reggie asks as soon as he and Milo walk in.


"It's good to see you too, Reggie," I snark at the rapidfire questions.


Milo, the more perceptive of the two, squints his eyes and steps forward, "You okay, man? Something seems...different.”


"T don't know what you're talking about, Milo, "| dismiss his concern, ''Kas is doing good, Reggie. She's learning a lot and she has so much more confidence. She isn't sickly thin anymore and she's been getting sun, so she has these cute freckles. She even grew half an inch."


Thinking about her makes me smile. Flashes 0f our weekend come to my mind. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.


"You dirty, dirty dog. You mated! Did you mark her? Is she our official Luna?" Milo sits down at the edge of his chair. :


"Milo, you're crossing a line. Besides, I don't kiss and tell," I snarl at him.


"Bronx, you don't kiss," Reggie chimes in, looking smug, "I've known you for twenty- four years. You never even held a girl's hand before you met Kas. The look on your face right now? We can practically hear Saint purring! You two definitely mated."


"Bronxy's in looove," Milo sings and flutters his eyes dramatically. 2


“Busted. Not ashamed. She's the best mate ever. We're in love," Saint laughs in my head. "Drop it, guys! You're being disrespectful to my mate and your future Luna."


"They definitely mated. Future Luna means he didn't mark her," Reggie says to Milo as if I'm not even in the room.


"Guys! We have other things to worry about," I command.


"Fine, pull the rank card. Now, what's going on with James? Did he find a mate at Lune D'or?

" Milo puts the teasing aside to focus on one of his top warriors.


"No. At the coven," I look at them solemnly.

"He's mated to a witch?" Reggie's eyes grow huge.


Milo groans as he leans on the desk and rubs his temples with his fingers, "Come on, Bronx. You sure she didn't just enchant him or something?”


“No, they're clearly enamored with each other. It's not a spell, they're definitely mates, "T confirm for them. They both look at me incredulously but they don't have anything more to add.


"So what's our next move? How do we handle this? We don't want to lose James," Reggie asks.


“Glad you asked. I did some research on the flight home. There are ten packs in North America who allow witches, vampires, and other breeds of shifters who are mated to werewolves to live on their pack territory, which means they also have hybrids. Hybrids can be just as dangerous, if not more than a full-bred shifter."


I hand each of them five phone numbers, “ Give these Alphas a call, find out as much information as you can on how they handle those relationships in their pack. Any special rules or laws they have established to keep the peace or anything they have tried to implement that didn't work, I want to know what they are. I'm going to research in my library.


“Lady Camille doesn't seem to be opposed to their union, but their coven consists of women only. Having James and Marco there is a courtesy they are allowing for our benefit. There is no way she is going to allow James to stay and like Reggie said, I wouldn't want to lose him either. I think the only way she will allow Delilah to leave the coven is if we take her abilities and customs into consideration and not force her to suppress who she is. “When I go back in two weeks, I want a complete charter of fair laws and expectations that we expect any supernaturals who are living on our territory to abide by, whether it is a witch, a vampire, another breed of shifter, whatever. If they want to live here, they have to agree or they can find another place to live. Have it on my desk Thursday.”


“Yes Alpha," they respond in unison. I


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