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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 38

Kas's POV


As | pull away from my physical body and spread my spirit into the universe, | feel him. His spirit is fading but he's there. | sense a familiar pain coursing through me. Something tells me his back is wet with blood and there is poison in his veins, but my spirit doesn't understand that physical concept.


| focus on him with all my power. His and Saint's souls are in limbo. No longer connected to each other, not alive, but not yet dead. | collect their essences, willing them to come toward me, toward life, and follow me back to Bronx's body before it's too late. | push my healing powers out to Bronx and Saint. Giving them the strength to live.


"Bronx, come back, Sweetheart,” | sense his spirit recognizes mine. He flickers brighter. It's almost indistinguishable but it's there. The tiniest little spark, “I need you to tell me where you are, Bronx."


A vision comes to me of an abandoned house with a human church in the distance. It's a very old stone structure. The bell tower has two large bells hanging. The church


bells chime a distinct tune. Hopefully it's enough to help Milo identify where he is. "Hold on, Bronx, we're coming for you," | whisper.


| pull my spirit back to my body, collecting all the pieces of my essence as | pull back into to my physical form. Something feels wrong. Something is missing. | open my eyes to see Marco, James, Delilah, and Lady Camille standing over me. Delilah is crying. I'm flat on my back. The floor below me is wet and sticky. | try to sit up, but | can't. I'm dizzy, sick to my stomach, and weak. | can't feel Lex, there is a void where she usually sits. °


"| can describe where he is," | say weakly.


| tell them about the vision and Bronx being close to death. | brought him back, but | don't know for how long.


"We got it from here, Luna. Lady Camille, let's get her medical attention, right now,” James said.


Lady Camille nods and swipes her hand over my face, "Sleep Luna lokaste, reserve your energy." | don't have a choice. The strength of her magic immediately slips me into a dreamless sleep.


Bronx's POV


Floating in the ether at the edge of death. Cold and dark but comforting at the same time. There is no pain, no emotion, no time, just darkness. In this emptiness, | feel it more than hear it. A sensation calling out to me, calling my name with no words, weightlessly pulling me to an unknown destination. It doesn't matter where it's leading me. | let it guide me through the darkness. Am | going toward the solace of death or the warmth of the world of the living? | have no way of knowing. °


A healing warmth fills my chest and spreads out to every cell of my body. It separates me from the ether and sucks out the poison, it seals the wounds of the body | left behind and refills my spirit with emotions. | sense it placing a healing warm glow around Saint's soul. | know he is there with me, being pulled away from the ether but he still feels separate from me.


"Bronx, come back, Sweetheart,” | hear it now. Kas's voice calling to me, “| need you to tell me where you are, Bronx,"


It's definitely her voice. It isn't in the air and it isn't my imagination or a hallucination. It's like it's coming from my own soul.


"Kas? Where are you?" | call out, desperate to be closer to her.


| slowly open my eyes. It's daylight now. Kas is not here. | know | heard her. | know she is here with me.


"Kas, Baby? | heard you. Where are you?" | ignore the pain coursing through my body and use all my strength to crawl on my hands and knees to the window. She wants to know where | am. I look out and see an old stone church with two bells. The bells start to chime a sweet tune.


"Kas, I'm in an abandoned packhouse. It's hot outside and humid. | can see the steeple of a human church,” | say out loud. | have no idea how she is communicating with me but | figure my best bet is to speak out loud. "Kas, | can't feel Saint," I'm fighting back the lump in my throat that will bring forth tears, " He's gone."


"Hold on for me, Sweetheart. We are coming, we're coming for you."


| crawl back to the mattress and flop down. The movement to and from the window, completely exhausted me. My fingertips feel numb. | close my eyes again praying to the Moon Goddess, | don't die in my sleep.






“Alpha! Can you hear us?"


| hear familiar voices and movements in the house. | try to open my eyes but it's a struggle. | don't have the strength to even open my eyes.


"Milo? Henri?” | whisper. There are other voices too.


| hear crashing sounds as they bust down doors to other rooms. | try to call out but | can't. I'm too weak. The door to my room crashes open. Milo barges in.


"Oh my Goddess! Bronx!" Milo runs over to me while Henri yells to people in the hall.



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