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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 47

| rush over and turn on the bedside lamp before | crawl onto the bed.


“Bronx, Sweetheart! Wake up! You're having a nightmare," | grasp his shoulders, his face is covered in sweat. He easily pushes me off, cursing deeply at whoever he is fighting in his dream, "Bronx! Wake up, please!”


Very suddenly, he becomes deathly still. “B-Bronx? A-are you okay?" | lean forward to look at him closer.


His eye shoots open, wider than | have ever seen before and he sits straight up in bed. Fear and anger roll off of him as every muscle in his body tenses. His skin stretches tight over his tensed muscles, he balls his hands into fists, and lets out a roarso loud the entire room reverberates. He is breathing roughly through his nostrils, reminding me of a charging bull as his body shakes, the anger building.


“Bronx? You're scaring me," | gently touch his arm. He snaps his head toward me, seeing me for the first time since he woke up. There is no recognition on his face, as if I'ma green eye scares me and | start backing away, off the bed. As if on cue, his eye turns solid black and he lunges forward at me. “SAINT!” | scream, rolling off the bed onto the floor, "Saint, it's me. It's Kas!”


| scramble on the floor toward the door but Bronx jumps off the bed and charges at me. His hands tightly wrap around my throat and keeps charging until he has me pinned to the wall. My feet are dangling off the ground, kicking helplessly as he leans forward.


| can hear voices and banging coming from the hallway, trying to breakdown the apartment door. Help is on the way. | need to stall. | need to talk sense into Saint.


“WHERE IS MY MATE?" He growls through Bronx's body, slamming me against the wall again.


“Sai-nt. It's me. I'm your mate," | try to reason with him, but he looks like he is out for blood, like he’s never seen me before. | choke and gag, helplessly hitting his forearms as he continues to cut off my air supply.


“WHERE IS SHE?" he snarls again. He pulls me away from the wall and slams against it again. | can't answer, | have no air left. My eyes are bulging out of my head and tears are streaming down my cheeks. My mate is going to kill me. This can't be happening. | can't believe | am about to do this. | have no choice. | focus on my energy and place my hands over his, letting the energy sear through me, burning his hands. | can feel blisters forming and bursting on his skin under my grip. Saint is wound so tight, he doesn't even seem to notice. | try to reach out for his face, but his arms are too long, | can't reach.


Goddess please, please help me. Don't let this happen.


The edges of my vision begin to blur and spots start to form. Darker and darker. The only thing | can make out is the onyx abyss of Saint's eye. The wolf possessing my mate's body. | stare until | can't see anymore. | am suddenly pulled into oblivion with such force that can't help but flail my arms and legs, a dark abyss with no escape. | can't feel my body anymore. I'm gone. By the hand of my own mate.


“Kas, Baby...Kas?" Bronx is kneeling in front of me. He looks so scared. We aren't in the bedroom. We are in the hallway. It's the middle of the day. What the Hell just happened? | think | had a premonition. Wait. Which one is reality? Is this the premonition? Memories swirl and mix in my brain making me feel dizzy.


“Bronx?” | say with confusion, "Why are you on the floor?”


Bronx's POV


“Alpha, come quick. Something's wrong with the Luna. It's like...she's frozen...and she's glowing purple, sir," the mind link from Tyree, Kas's temporary guard, comes through a couple minutes after she leaves the room. “Where are you?" | jump up, startling everyone at the table.


“In front of your quarters, Alpha. What should | do?” He asks in a shaky voice.


“Don't touch her, Tyree. I'm on my way," | reply and cut the link.


"Bronx, what's wrong?" Lenora says as | turn to run out of the room.


“| think Kas is having a premonition,” | say as | bolt out the office.


| run as fast as my legs will carry me down the hall. As | turn the corner | see Tyree with a terrified look on his face, kneeling on one knee in front of Kas, who is glowing bright purple. She is as still as a statue. He stands up and backs away as | slide to a halt and squat down in front of her so we are at eye level.


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