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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 49

Kas's POV


| can feel the lump in my throat give way into tears as Delilah comes into the apartment. She sets down a leather bag that looks like an old time doctor's bag and takes my hands in hers.


“Kas, what happened?" she asks. Her face is fills with worry. Lenora is rubbing soothing circles on my back. :


“| had a vision, Delilah, it was awful," | begin to sob and collapse against her. Delilah wipes my tears with her sleeve as she shushes me, rocking me gently in her arms. Her movement makes me realize | flinched when Bronx tried to do the same thing just a few moments ago. Why did | do that? Was it because of the premonition? My heart aches thinking that | did that because of something Bronx didn't actually do. It was just in my head. -


| look around and realize he isn't in the room. “Bronx?” | look around, "Where did he go?” “| think he feels guilty for slapping you,” Lenora growls in annoyed tone. She has a hand on her hip taking a judgemental stance. “Slap me? Don't be ridiculous. Bronx would never hit me, Lenora," | defend my mate with a little growl. °


“Kas, | saw it. We all did.”


"| don't remember. | can't believe it would happen," | shake my head in denial.


“Okay, if you don't remember, that's probably for the best. How about you and Delilah sit down so you can tell her what your premonition was, Kas. I'll mind link my brother and see if | can get him back here,” Lenora reassures me, "Don't worry about him.”


| let Delilah lead me to the sofa while Lenora contacts Bronx.


“Alright, Luna lokaste. May I connect with your mind?" Delilah asks. She uses my formal title indicating she needs to have control over my mind.


“Yes, please, before the memory fades. | already feel like | am starting to forget the details of it,” | sniff away the last of my tears. “Alright. This will be easier if you close your eyes and concentrate on the vision. I'm going to recite an incantation. The more | speak, the less you will be aware of your surroundings. There is a possibility that you will feel like you're in that moment again. | know it will be scary, but | need you to let yourself relive it. You may see me as a ghost in your peripheral vision if you try to look around. This is normal. | will be observing details you may not be able to because of the traumatizing nature of the event,” she explains.


Lenora comes over to the sofa, "Bronx is having a tantrum. He won't speak to me, but he's fine. We just need to give him a little time, then | will send Milo and Reggie after him. They know how to talk to him when he gets in one of these moods.”


“Beta Lenora, I'm going to perform magic on Luna lokaste. It may look scary, but whatever happens is normal, | assure you. | don't know how long it will take, but | need you to make sure we are not interrupted. Ending the link too early can be...well...bad.”


“You got it," Lenora says. She goes and locks the door to the apartment and comes back to observe Delilah.


| nod and sit on the sofa cross-legged, facing the witch who has become my best friend and close my eyes. | feel her hands press gently against the sides of my head and she begins to murmur words in a language | don't understand. An odd sensation comes from her hands. Cooling and soft, making me feel like I'm turning to jelly. Her unfamiliar words become a part of my mind.


| wake up in bed in a cold sweat. I'm aware that I'm in my premonition, but | can't stop the events from playing out. | look around and | swear | see Delilah standing just out of my vision but turning my head to face her doesn't work. She is always just out of my line of sight. | try to say her name but the word disolves like dust in my mouth. Once again, | relive the horror as Saint possesses Bronx's body and the last flicker of life leaves my body.


| gasp as | open my eyes wide, back in reality. Delilah looks at me with tears in her eyes. She pulls me in for a deep hug.


"It's going to be okay, Kas. It may not seem like it right now, but it's going to be okay," Delilah sniffs tears away.


“Are you girls alright?” Lenora is sitting on the floor next to the sofa looking up at us before looking at her watch.


"I'm okay. Are you okay, Delilah? I'm so sorry you had to experience that," | soothe. It's my turn to wipe her tears.



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