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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 51

Saint wrapping himself around me feels like a soft, heat-generating cloud. His scent is familiar and comforting. The only thing that would be better would be Bronx and my limbs entangled.


The morning light intrudes in the room and crawls across my face. | stretch sleepily and find that | have a stiff neck and a chill around me. Saint must have adjusted positions at some point in the night because his fur cocoon is not forming a barrier of warmth around me. | tug on my blanket to cover myself better but it doesn't budge.


“Saint, you have a fur coat, stop hogging the blanket," | groan. ’


A pair of strong arms creates a cage around me, as if by instinct, and pulls me close to a hard chest. The familiar light snoring of Bronx against my ear sets my heart alight. "Bronx?" | whisper disbelief. | roll over in his arms so I'm facing him. His breath hitches a little but he continues the slow rhythmic breathing of sleep. | don't know when he shifted, but he is naked under the blanket. Could he have shifted in his sleep and not realize it or did he shift and crawl back onto the cot with me?


Something about him seems different. | gently caress the scruff on his chin and give his jaw a gentle kiss. | look closer at his features. Even in a relaxed state of sleep, he seems like a weight has been lifted off of him. The furrow of his brow is slightly lessened, making him look a bit younger. “See something you like?" he smirks with his eye still closed.


“Bronx, oh my Goddess," | burst into tears. | can't help it. The stress of the events from yesterday and last night are released all at once now that I'm in his arms.


“Baby, no, please don't cry," he opens his eye and sits up, pulling me into his lap to comfort me.


“You left, | needed you," | sob as he wipes my tears and rocks me in his arms.


“Shhh. I'm sorry, Kas. | was an asshole in so many ways yesterday. I'm so, so sorry. | should have been there. | shouldn't have walked away. | was wrong. | hope you can forgive me," he says as he pushes my hair out of my face. He puts his hand on one side of my face and kisses my temple on the other side.


“Let me go get the doctor, so we can check you over,” | can't stop staring at him. What if | look away and he is gone again? | can’t let that happen, “Then we can go upstairs and talk where it's a little more comfortable.” “Alright, but | don't want to let you go right now. Give me a minute," he says as he pulls me tightly against his body and deeply breathes into my hair. | have to fight the arms of the octopus to get out of his grip so | can get the doctor and get him clothes, but | manage.


By the time I'm back, the doctor is checking Bronx's vitals and says he can be discharged. | hand him his clothes and step out into the hall with the doctor.


“Luna, please make sure he doesn't over exert himself for the next few days. | still don't know what triggered his condition yesterday,” he says with concern in his voice. “| understand, doctor. Thank you," | say gratefully.


“Luna...d-did you use your healing abilities?" he asks. His face is full of curiosity and excitement.


“Yes, | did,” | smile.


"That's amazing. If it is ever convenient, | would love to observe when you heal someone.”


“| am sure the opportunity will arise at some point.”


“Thank you, Luna," he smiles as he walks away. '


Bronx steps out of the room, fully clothed and adjusting his eye patch to sit comfortably on his face. Now that he is awake and moving around, the air of appearing to have an invisible weight lifted off him is more evident. We walk hand in hand up to our apartment.


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