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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 61

Kas’s POV


Coffee and dark chocolate. Mochaccino. | smell it before | open my eyes. Bronx. My mate. He came home. He asked me not to leave. | have a pounding headache from crying but | feel myself being calmed by his scent. | clutch his shirt tight and pull it closer to my nose breathing in deeply. | feel his hand gently rubbing my back.


"You awake, Baby?" | hear his rough voice from outside the cocoon he has me wrapped in. |nod my head and he opens up his large arms, so he can look at me.


"You ready to talk?" He asks gently, as he brushes my bangs out of my eyes.


"| don't know," | tell him honestly, "| don't want to cry anymore."


Bronx sighs deeply and shakes his head like he's not sure what to say. He rubs his hands on his face before he continues, "Kas, I-I have some confessions to make and I'm sure you're going to be mad but | need to tell you."


“Confessions?” | squeak out.


“Oh my Goddess, is he seriously about to say he has been cheating on us?!” Lex starts to growl, “How did we not smell another she wolf on him?!”


| feel myself stiffen at Lex's revelation, bracing myself for whatever Bronx is about to Say.


"Kas, | intentionally distanced myself from you in hopes you would get upset,” he flicks his eye up from the ground to look at me. "What?" No, like seriously, what the fuck? | think | would have rather he told me he was cheating on me, "W-why would you do that, Bronx?"


He doesn't answer my question. His eye darts around, avoiding my glare, as he gulps hard and continues to speak.


“| also ordered the pack members to exclude you from helping around the packhouse," his voice cracks and he clears his throat, "except for Delilah. She has been keeping an eye on you for me."


| slowly stand at the admission. He did this on purpose. He hurt me on purpose. He manipulated the people around me. He

wanted me to feel this way. Hopelessness turns into disbelief turns into pure rage. Lex’s and mine combined. That's all | feel. | pull away from Bronx as he desperately tries to hold on to me. Lex is seconds away from taking over and I'm not going to stop her if she does.


"Kas, | can explain. I-" he pleads.


“Explain?! EXPLAIN?!" | shriek. Lex has had enough. She grabs me and roughly yanks me to the back of our mind.


"How dare you, Bronx Mason?" Lex roars in her deep ethereal tone, “HOW DARE YOU HURT MY KAS!" The windows rattle and the floor shakes as her voice booms. Our heart is drumming out of our chest.


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