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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 85

"Shit! Don't do anything crazy, Kas. We're in the human world,” he urges me, “I already hear police sirens, be careful, Baby. I love you.”


"Okay, nothing crazy. Got it. I love you, too,” I say nervously. I have never really spent time in the human world except for when Bronx has taken me out. Iam not completely sure what constitutes crazy in this specific scenario. I try to recall all the training James and Marco have given me.


"Hey! Girlie, what did you just do with yer eyes there? What kind of contacts you wearin’?" The first man says. Referring to my eyes clouding over from the mind link.


"Sir, I-I'm just here to get my cell phone, "I say backing up as the man I assume is Jimmy approaches me, "I don't want anyone to get hurt."


The man laughs and grabs me by the arm. I easily break the hold and punch him in the face, breaking his nose, then chop him in the throat as hard as I can, making him fall to the floor choking and coughing on his own blood. The other two men aim their guns directly a tme.


I feel the energy building in me letting me freeze time and run over to the store manager, pulling him down below the counter.


"Sir, how do we get out?" I ask the man who is confused as to what is happening.


"How did you get over here?" He looks at me, confused with panic in his voice. "Please, sir. There's no time to explain. We have about five minutes before they start moving again. How do we get out of here?"


"The police. They will open the security gates from outside," he tries to look around the desk to see the armed men, but I take him by the shoulders and stop him.


"Shit. Okay. You need to hide, sir. Where is the rest of your staff?" I look out from behind our hiding spot, "you have probably three minutes to hide."


"In the panic room, but it locks behind them until the police open it. I-I suppose I can go into the lockbox room. But Madame, what about you?”


"Don't worry, I was made for this. I have training from my personal guards. You just stay back here and hide. If you can make it to that room safely, do it. But whatever you do, don’t look out from behind this desk. I have to get back out there before they realize I've moved." He looks at me like I’m insane. He probably thinks I am. I'm not worried about it, anyone he tells the story to will think he is delusional with fear.


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