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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 89

Kas's POV


I can't believe Lex and I beat Milo and Ghost the first time we sparred with them. I thought for sure it would take three or four times, but Lex was determined. She is gloating like you would not believe. But we both know it would take a lot more to beat Bronx and Saint, though.


Right now, I have other things to worry about. I have two very important meetings today and I have my two midterms for school.


Bronx and I walk back to the packhouse. He gives me some tips on how to make some of my moves even stronger by leveraging my body weight. He puts his sweaty arm around me and tells me how proud he is of me. Which, quite honestly, is one of the best compliments he could possibly give me. We get cleaned up for the day and I put on some more business-appropriate clothes compared to what I usually wear. I give myself a look in the mirror, satisfied with what the woman I see. "You know, Baby, after these meetings today, there’s no going back. Wheels are in motion that can't be stopped easily," he says, looking at me through the mirror.


I took a deep breath, "I'm excited for both." I smile at him with a wink.


We go hand in hand down to his office. I go directly to his private library and wait for the first appointment. After half an hour, he comes in with Musu. "Musu, this is your client," he motions t ome.


"Luna Kas?" she says, looking at Bronx, then back at me.


"Please, Musu, sit. Let's discuss your special assignment,” I motion to the leather chair in front of me.


We spend the next two hours explaining about the Menae, how we want to go about finding them, and as many details, we already know. I explain that the library will be available for her reference as needed. I would work as closely or as loosely with her as she wanted.


Musu is excited about the opportunity and happy that she will still get to travel and get to help me find my family at the same time. We have her sign some NDAs since there are things she needs to know and do that even Marco can't know about.


We determine she will get started first thing Monday morning. After we are done talking business, we take a few minutes to catch up about how she is acclimating to life at Blood River. She tells us she is very happy and shows us that she and Marco have already marked each other. I’m so happy for them. I give her a big hug before she leaves.


Bronx and I have an hour between the time Musu leaves and our next appointment, so we relax on the leather sofa in the library. And by relax I mean we grope each other and I give Bronx a blow job. It's one of my favorite things to do for him. I love seeing his reactions when I wrap my lips around him. Good thing it's a soundproof room.


He's hovering over me as I have my legs wrapped around him. He's just about ready to tear my clothes off when the intercom buzzes and we hear Carly telling us our next appointment is waiting.


"Carly's lucky I like her," Lex growls. ° "Don't worry, Lex. We'll finish that later, "T purr at her.



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