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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105 

From behind him, I heard the singsong voice of Cynthia as she walked out of the door. She was dressed in formals too and her hair was left open. 

Meanwhile, I looked like a homeless person with the way my hair was sticking out all over my head. 

“There you are,” she said, smiling at Callahan and Elijah. 

Elijah waved at her while Callahan gave me a side eye before continuing his discussion with Elijah. 

“The report that you gave me…are you sure that is correct?” 

He asked, and Elijah nodded. “I was there, scouting through the forest. I do believe it is correct.” 

Callahan did not reply immediately, but Elijah asked him worriedly, “Is something wrong?” 

Callahan grabbed him by the elbow and pulled him to the side. “Well, you do know that this is the south we are talking about.” 

I strained my ears the moment I heard ‘south’. Thanks to Thunder, my hearing senses had heightened. 

“Yes, King. What is wrong?” 

Callahan did not talk to him, but I saw them look at each other intently. 

‘why are they not talking?’ I thought and stared at their faces, or particularly Callahan’s lips. 

“They are talking through mind link,” Thunder supplied. 

And I felt queasy. There was something going on in the south and I felt worried about my father. I had to do something to bring him here. 

My eyes flicked to Cynthia, who was patiently waiting by their side, looking dreamily at Callahan. 

I only frowned and wondered what was so secretive that made Callahan switch to talking in the mind. 

If only I could hear them… 

And as if he had sensed what was going on in my head, he said in a loud voice. 

“And tighten the security around the mansion. Nobody leaves or enters the mansion without my permission.” 

I looked up at him to see him look pointedly at me. 

“Noone” He added while staring at me. 

Elijah nodded his head, and Cynthia began talking to him while I ran behind Callahan. 


I called out, but Callahan was walking away too fast for me. 

When he did not lower his speed, I dashed up the stairs and blocked his way. 

“why are you ignoring me?” 

I asked, but Callahan simply stepped aside and began climbing up the stairs. 

“What happened in the South? Is anybody in danger?” 

I asked and again he ignored me. This time, I grabbed his hand forcefully and repeated, “Is my father in danger?” 

Callahan’s gaze lowered to where our hands were touching, and then he leaned forward, making me hesitate a little. 

“Stay out of this,” He warned but I could not. 

“Please. I have to know if he is going to be okay.” 

“If you don’t stop meddling in things, he won’t be fine” 

Callahan answered and began walking away again. I reached for his arm, but this time he was quick. He pulled away before I could touch him and instead, grabbed my hand and pinned me to the wall. 

“Just because you awakened your wolf doesn’t make you stronger than me. I am tolerating your behavior, but don’t test my patience.” 

He said and I could feel his body heat this close, along with the way his irises shone when the sunlight reflected on them. 

My heartbeat quickened to feel his breath tingle on my skin. 

Chapter 105 

Ignoring the frenzied feelings, I gulped and tried to speak. “I am only asking you about my father. And…I am willing to help if there is something that can be done.” 

“Help?” Callahan scoffed. “First, you have to learn to help yourself. Learn to shift without passing out or train without panting like you climbed a mountain.” 

I got so annoyed, I tugged hard at his arm and screamed, “Why do you always think of me as a loser? What have I ever done to you?” 

Callahan rubbed his temple, and in a second, his hand was around my waist. In the next moment, he pulled me up, threw me on his shoulder, and carried me to his office. 

Before I could scream again, I was deposited on the huge desk that was littered with files and papers. 

“A war is brewing, Zenovia. People die in a war. People get hurt and you lose your loved ones. I have every reason to believe the rogue king is using you as bait to lure me. And I don’t want you to think of yourself as too mighty who can run outside that gate, wave some magic wand and everything will be sorted.” 

“Me? As a bait?” 

I asked in confusion, and he threw the papers at me. “Read that report” 

I pushed the hair out of my eyes and began reading. There were also some photos. After I was done, I looked up. 

“That’s the Ashwell pack’s alpha, our neighbor’s pack.” 

“Yes, and last week they all were almost skinned alive.” 

I studied the pictures. To say that they were gruesome was an understatement. Their clothes were burned, their eyes gouged out, and their intestines spilled. 

“There are no claw or bite marks on those bodies,” Callahan added as I studied the corpses. 

“Who is behind this, then?” 

Callahan had a grim look on his face. “We have no suspect except the rogue King. But the attacks happened too close to your pack. I think he is trying to lure you out of this mansion. Out in the open. Either he is doing this with the help of some witch or maybe this is a plot to throw suspicion on someone else. I am not sure of that.” 

I put the papers down on the table. 

“But you said he was trying to lure you out by using me. Why do you think that?” 

Callahan scoffed again. “Because you are the weakest link in my pack right now. He wants you to be flustered and do something stupid that will endanger you or the rest of my pack. And I don’t want you to give him any reason to do so until I figure out what is going on.” 

I gulped, “But….what if it is not a message and someone really is killing people for whatever reason? My pack is there. My father is there.” 

Calahan raised his voice. “Your father disowned you. Are you forgetting that? He sold you to me. He believed all the crap your step brother slash boyfriend fed him and left you to die.” 

I tried hard not to cry. 

“He is still my father.” 


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