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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111 


Panting and wheezing, I tried not to slink down to the ground as the final whistle was blown and the end of the battle announced. 

There was an uproar in the arena, and I felt that the crowd erupted in a cheer, but I could only faintly hear it. 

It had only turned into white noise as I placed my hands on my knees. My breathing was ragged, and I felt that all the air in the world would not be enough to fill my lungs. 

I took in big breaths, my mouth wide open as I let the realization sink in. I, a nobody, someone who had been bullied all my life and looked down as a doormat…I won something. 

It didn’t matter that it was not a real life battle, or that I had not killed my enemies…I had won a match..fair and square. 

Caroline came rushing towards me, patting my back and rubbing it as I struggled to breathe. Feeling her hands slink around me, I let myself finally loose, and she grabbed me, breaking my fall. 

“Oh,” she muttered as I let my weight fall on her. Opening the lid of a bottle of water with one hand, she threw the lid aside and held it in front of my mouth while supporting me with the other hand as I completely leaned on her. 

“Sorry,” I weakly muttered as she smiled at me and replied. 

“It is okay. Drink a little” 

My heart was still beating wildly and my mind was replaying the last few moments of our spar in my head. 

How far someone would go to belittle others? My gaze flicked to Bella, who was stomping her feet, clearly agitated by her loss. 

She and her gang of friends were staring at me. However, I noticed a difference in their gazes. While earlier there was plain mockery in their expressions, now I saw a faint trace of respect and maybe even fear. They had considered me as a pushover earlier but now looked at me warily. 

That instilled a seed of confidence in me. Strength and willpower mattered. Callahan was reckless and would always push me to become 


strong and tough, but now, when I participated in the trials for the first time, I could see the change in gazes and the body language of almost everybody. 

Caroline held the bottle of water in front of me, and I took a sip or two. The juice was sweet and had a rich aroma to it. 

It was rich and invigorating and made me feel energized. 

“Have it. You need your strength” She smiled, and I took a few more sips before coughing violently. 

“Oh, no!” She shrieked as I spilled the bottle almost entirely and gagged. Matteo came rushing to me with a concerned look. “Don’t drink too much or too fast. Your body needs to cool down first” 

He said, helping me gently get up from the ground and pulling me up back on the bench. 

“Congrats” His eyes twinkled with a smile. 

I smiled back at him. “Thanks. I bet nobody expected me to win.” 

He shook his head while taking a towel from one of the helpers who had come running towards me to hand it over to me. 

Matteo held the towel in front of me and replied, “It was an interesting match. I don’t remember the last time when the crowd went so mad. You owned the arena.” 

I felt a small spark of happiness graze my insides when he said that. 

I could not even remember the last time I was praised for my efforts. 

“We will take a small break now. Then you prepare for the award ceremony.” 

My eyes went wide at that. “Award ceremony?” 

I asked, and he nodded his head. “Yeah. Why else are trials held? To find a winner, right?” 

“But…but I just wanted to participate. We don’t have to have a ceremony.” 

I resisted, but Matteo only ruffled my hair and walked away to start the preparations. I only wanted to take out my anger and frustration of Cynthia at someone and I was done with it. 

I did not want any awards or anything. 

But Caroline rubbed my shoulder reassuringly. “Come on. You won. You deserve a little praise. Plus, don’t you want to be rewarded and applauded 


by the Lycan King himself?” 

She asked, and I realized I had completely forgotten about that part. 

Being under the watchful gazes of a thousand people was bad enough. But adding Callahan to the mix was terrifying. 

I did not know how to behave in front of him and every time he was around, I would either feel smitten by him or annoyed. There was no in between. 

My mind was muddled as she helped me walk towards the room we had been gathered inside earlier. 

I was limping a little as my legs and muscles had been pulled and bent at odd angles many times, but with her help, I managed to walk. 

“Do you need some help with washing your face?” She asked, 

“Yeah, for someone who just won a match, I am behaving like a complete loser” 

I joked at my expense, but she only shook her head. 

“I know what it means to be ridiculed and bullied. So, no, you are not a loser.” 

Her line caught me off-guard. She looked like a sweet and innocent girl. 

“What do you mean? Did somebody bully you back in your pack?” I asked, but she pretended to not hear it. 

She only helped me walk to the wash basin and turned on the tap while holding out the bar of soap for me. 

The cool water splashed over my face and I felt the heat go down a little. It also helped get rid of the sweat and muck sticking to my body. 

And I only looked at my reflection. My face looked puffed and swollen, a few red spots here and there. There were also minor cuts and scratches that my wolf, Thunder, had helped heal. 

But I guess, being a newly awakened wolf, even she had her limits. 

More than the award, I wanted to get a nice shower. That would be more relaxing. And I also realized I had much more to learn and train. 

The group of girls had shown me that I was still weak and gullible. If I wanted to be a pack warrior, I had to be able to tackle them more swiftly. 

Qutside, I could hear the roars and cheers of the audience that had filled the stadium to the brim. 


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