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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114 


The Lycan King drove the car a bit faster than usual and we were outside the mansion gate in no time. 

The guards opened the gate promptly, and we were inside the garage in no time. The car swiftly made its way inside, and Callahan turned the ignition off. 

When he stepped out of the car, I noticed the way he winced a little when his abdomen hit the door of the car. 

But his expression returned to normal in an instant. His hand just brushed the fabric of his shirt and I noticed something I hadn’t seen earlier. 

Were those blood stains…?? 

He was wearing a dark colored shirt, so it wasn’t clearly visible, but now as the light glinted on it; I saw dried blood. 

And a glimpse of a bandage. 

Why was he bandaged? Just what had happened to him? 

I looked at him as he began to walk away without a word. His hand went towards his abdomen again and I noticed that he was definitely limping. 

He was hurt. Opening the car, I hurried towards him as he slowly made his way towards the stairs. 

“What happened to you?” I asked, but he only replied gruffly. 

“Go rest” 

“No, you look hurt. Please tell me what happened.” I insisted, but he raised his voice, “Zenovia, I asked you to go and rest, so you better do that.” 

He took my full name. He either never took my name or called me Zee. 

So him calling be my full name meant he was angry. 

I bit my lower lip and stayed glued to my spot as he continued limping towards the stairs. He had barely taken two steps when I saw him sway. 

“Callahan..” I called out, but then he slumped down. 

And I was beside him in an instant, trying to break his fall. 


I was amazed by my reflexes and how easily I was beside him in the blink of an eye. And he definitely weighed a lot. 

“Callahan, are you okay?” I asked, but he did not answer. 

He had passed out. And I struggled to bear his weight. Callahan must be twice my weight or he ate bricks and wolves for food, because despite my wolf’s strength, I was finding it hard to drag him upstairs. 

I tried throwing one of his hands on my shoulders and pushing him up with me, but my knees started to wobble just after a few steps. 

“Help! Is anybody around?” I asked aloud. 

The palace was mostly quiet, and my voice echoed through the vast space. I hoped somebody would hear me. 

“I need help” I shouted again, and I heard the hurried footsteps of a few servants. And with them came Elijah. 

I looked at him with relief. “Elijah, help” 

He did not ask what was going on and straightaway helped me carry Callahan to his room. The servants hastily went ahead, threw the doors open and began making the bed. 

Elijah and the servants helped carry Callahan to bed while I hovered at the entrance of the room. 

I had never set foot in the Lycan King’s room before. I had not even passed by it before because I did not want him to think I was following him everywhere. 

The servants threw the curtains open, along with a few windows to let the soft breeze in. I did not know what I had expected to see in his room when I stepped inside. 

Maybe, I expected a huge chandelier, lots of exquisite furniture, plush sofas, etc. 

But the room was as simple as it could be. There was just a huge bed, two bedside tables, a wardrobe and a work space on the side. 

The room was nothing like I would expect the Lycan King’s personal space to be. It was a huge contrast to the rest of the mansion. Even my room seemed grand in comparison. 

“Hey, where are you lost?” 

Elijah called out to me, dragging me out of my thoughts. 

“Nothing” I shook my head and walked in. 



Elijah placed a hand on Callahan’s forehead. “He is burning” 

I furrowed my eyebrows. “He wasn’t until a few minutes ago.” 

“Quick, take off his shoes” 

He said, and I did as instructed. His feet were very hot, too. He had begun 

to sweat. 

I gently took off the shoes and socks and began rubbing his feet, trying to let blood circulate and regulate his body temperature. 

Elijah looked at me and asked, “Can you tell me what exactly happened to him?” 

I pushed the hair behind my face. “Nothing, he was just climbing the stairs and then he kind of passed out.” 

Elijah gave me a grim look. 

“Stay by his side. I will get Drusilla.” 

I turned around in confusion as he ran outside the room. “Don’t you mean the pack doctor?” 

“No, just don’t give him any medicines or try to heal him the human 



“What do you mean? He is hot like a furnace and I also think I saw blood earlier. He needs medicines… 


Elijah shook his head. “This is beyond medicine. Just do as I say, please. I will go get Drusilla. And whatever happens, don’t let him out of your sight.” 

“What is going on? Where would he go in this state?” I asked. The more Elijah spoke, the more bizarre the situation sounded to me. 

“Just don’t let him. Please.” He begged, and I had never heard him so flustered or begging. 

“I don’t think I can restrain him…he is the Lycan King, for Goddess’ sake” 

I was mumbling in confusion. But Elijah simply grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me in the eye. 

“I have to get Drusilla. Trust me, I would have not let you alone in such a situation, but if we want to tame him, she is our best shot. Please don’t let him go outside the room.” 

His words were filled with worry, but I could only ask aloud, “What do you mean, tame him?” 



Elijah opened his mouth to say something but thought better and walked out without another word. 


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