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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 128

Chapter 128 



We had the dinner and post that Callahan left the table when Matteo asked for his time to discuss something. 

I took that opportunity and grabbed Drusilla’s arm, dragging her away. 

“Tell me what you saw.” 

I demanded, and she furrowed her eyebrows. “Girl, calm down.” 

I shook my head, “You were being very snarky to Cynthia. You never did that. And I know you don’t act like this unless something is troubling you.” 

I said, rubbing the part over my wrist where the anchor bond was located. 

“It’s nothing, Zee. I was just trying to make him see what a lousy person she is.” 

I gave her a meaningful look. “I have a feeling you saw something in your visions. Something about him and me. So tell me what it is.” 

I urged. 

Drusilla let out a breath, “It is nothing. I told you sometimes those are meaningless. The visions are of the many possibilities that could occur.” 

“I know that. But you don’t necessarily act on them. So tell me what is it that you saw.” 

Drusilla hesitated. “Please don’t tell Callahan.” 

“I knew it. There was something about him.” 

Drusilla looked around to see if there was somebody hearing us and then pulled me to a corner. 

“I am not sure what to make of it. While I was completing the ritual, I saw flashes of something.” 

“Of what?” 

She tensed. “I am not sure what to make of it. But you remember the statues behind us…when we were doing the ritual?” 



Chapter 128 

I nodded. She had mentioned they belonged to the Norns, a trio of ancient deities known to be harbingers of fate. 

When I was performing the ritual, I sensed as if the statues…they were trying to communicate with me. 

My eyebrows furrowed as I felt an uneasy sensation prickle my spine. 

“What did they say?” 

“The Norns…they are three beings representing each phase of our life. Past is represented by Urd, present by Verdandi, and future by Skuld. I did not find many descriptions or illustrations of them in the books but they all seem to hold the threads that decide the fate of everybody.” 


“And it seemed that your fate is tangled with Callahan.” 

That made sense. I was his anchor so somehow I was tied to him and 

him to me. 

“Yeah, that is possible. We will work together now…to fight his curse.” 

But Drusilla shook her head. “In my vision, it seemed that all the three deities were holding the threads of your fate together. And, it was incredibly tangled. Not just your future, but your past and present too.” 

How could that be possible? 

I had not even seen Callahan before he came to my school. How could my past be tied to him? 

But even if that was the case, it was not worth worrying. We could figure it out later, or maybe it was just that her visions were not that correct. She said quite a few times that they were mere possibilities. 

I reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. 

“You worry needlessly. It could be just a vision.” 

She nodded, but her face was not completely worry free. 

“Is there something else that you saw?” 

She pressed her lips into a thin line. “I well the third deity, Skuld…the 

one responsible for writing our future she had only one thread in her hand. And…and I don’t know whose it was.” 



Chapter 128 

She said, and I could see why she got all worked up. 

I took a moment to collect myself. “It is ok, Dru. These could just be one of the many infinite possibilities. Relax.” 

I said, and she nodded her head. “You are probably right. I just got paranoid that Cynthia would either hurt you or Callahan, mostly you, because she hates you, so I just wanted her gone.” 

It felt nice to think that she was worried about me. 

“Thank you, Dru. Now, I think you should get some sleep. I will too.” 

Drusilla nodded her head, “Tomorrow we try to figure out a way for you to channel your calmness into him and see if you can sense his mood swings.” 

“No pressure,” I replied, and she chuckled before walking away. 

The inside of my wrist felt itchy again, so I scratched it a little and went towards my room. 

After closing the door and switching off the lights, I crawled into the bed and tucked myself in the sheets. 

I had barely closed my eyes when I heard a faint knocking on the window. I got up and peered at the window, but there was nothing. 

Shaking my head, I went back to bed again. But after a few seconds, I again heard a knock. It was a bit more persistent this time. 

Stifling a yawn, I went towards the window and attempted to close it, but it flew wide open, rattling on the wall behind it. 

That was weird. There were no strong winds blowing in my face to make the window pane rattle. I took a step forward, and I felt a tug at the base of my navel again, as if somebody was trying to pull me towards the forest. 

I furrowed my eyebrows, not because I felt a sharp pull towards the forest, but because it seemed that this feeling wasn’t alien. 

Why did I feel I had already sensed this before? I did not have any recollection of this feeling. 

Intrigued, I decided to step out of the mansion, since it was late at night and everybody had retired to sleep. 



Chapter 128 

Grabbing a coat to cover myself, I walked down the stairs and in the direction of the forest through the small gates on the side. 

I stepped outside the gates and immediately sensed a difference in the atmosphere around me. The air seemed chilly, and the forest seemed spooky to me. 

I looked back and the mansion walls could be seen behind me. I took a tentative step in the direction of the forest and I heard the rustling of leaves. 


I called out loudly, though my voice sounded shaky to me. I had second thoughts of running away but Thunder fueled me with some confidence. 

“Don’t worry, you are not alone.” 

“I know. There is someone in the forest,” I countered and she snorted. 

“I meant you have me.” 

“Yes, to bolt to our room if anything goes wrong.” 

I heard her scoff in my head whimsically and fall silent as I made my way in the direction of the tug, pulling me into the forest. 

A rustle of leaves from behind made me turn around hurriedly. 

“Please. Show yourself.” 

I tried again, and the rustling of the leaves seemed to intensify. I had a feeling that someone was circling me. 

This time I heard a voice talk to me, a female voice. 


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