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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137 

Chapter 137 


Stars exploded in front of my eyes as his index finger pushed through my entrance, making my heart beat like a trapped butterfly. 

His finger explored my insides, slowly, leisurely, as I clung to him as if I would fall down a cliff. We were in his office. 

And he was used to working late night hours. Nobody would come here without knocking. 

At least, I hoped so. 

It was scandalous. I had just become his anchor. I should be trying to understand how to read it, and how to find ways to stop him from losing control of himself. 

But here I was, melting at his touch as he assaulted me with his finger. His eyes were fixated on me, studying my expressions as I began to squirm. 

The anchor bond was definitely pulsating right now and was thrumming with energy. It was no different from my body, which felt like it was live wire. 

And Callahan was the energy that was fueling me, invigorating me. 

It was phenomenal. His finger pushed further, and I felt I was exploding as he went all in. 

“You are all ready for me,” He whispered, and I shuddered at it. 

I felt my muscles clench and unclench as they tried to accommodate his finger. I had only felt his tongue inside me, soft and caressing, but his finger was demanding. 

I let out a wince as he looked at me with concern. “Am I hurting you?” 

He asked, his brows creasing. “A little,” I answered truthfully, and he immediately pulled out. 

A shocked breath escaped my lips, and my chest was heaving. 



Transaction Fees 

when using a PKR 


Chapter 137 

“I…I did not ask you to pull out,” I said, my head bent a little as he smiled, holding his finger in front of me. 

It was coated in my juices and he brought his finger towards his mouth. and snaked his tongue out, licking it. 

“Mmm,” He said, eyes fluttering as he licked his fingers clean. 

My toes curled and a rush of heat slapped me as I saw his expression. 

“Just like I remember,” He said, grinning before walking ahead to place me on the table. 

The window was half open, and I could see that the night was beginning to fade. My gaze fell onto the wall clock on the opposite side and noticed that it was almost 5 am. 

I did not even realize how long it had been since we started talking or how exactly the talking turned to this. 

But I was loving it. 

Callahan was torturing me…slowly. 

“You know I want to see the mark I gave you. But more than that, I want to do whatever I want with you.” 

His tone was husky, and his eyes were glowing with pure desire. I felt my heart thud against my ribcage as he pushed my legs apart and grabbed my waist to pull me towards the edge. 

He gave my butt a gentle squeeze as his tongue licked his lower lip. 

“And, I will start now,” Callahan said, grabbing my wrists and placing them on either side of the table. 

“Hold on to it for support,” He said, and I nodded, my eyes wide with equal parts excitement and nervousness. 

Then he slowly reached for my hair and pushed it back. Lowering his head, he gently placed his lips on mine and softly kissed me. 

But that soft kiss soon turned hungrier as he began sucking at my skin, biting the soft flesh with his teeth before continuing his way down. 




Transaction Fees 

Chapter 137 

My hands grew sweaty and the urge to grab his shirt and bury my nails in his back was too intense, but I managed to hold on to the sides of the desk with a death grip. 

His kisses turned heated as his hands reached for the strap of my tank top and pushed it down. I gasped as his mouth roamed all over me, pushing the fabric aside as he left heated kisses on my collarbone. 

It was as if he was on a mission to kiss every inch of me. 

And every kiss left a spark on my skin that I felt even after he had left that spot a while ago. His hand traveled up my neck, pushing me into him before traveling down to reach for the clasp of my bra. 

I shivered at the touch, but it was nice to see that he craved for me, hungrily, greedily. 

He fumbled with the clasp a bit, but his mouth never left me. His fingers tugged at the clasp when he could not get it undone. 

A mild sound of irritation left his lips when he still could not do it. 

“Should I?” I asked, in between the heaving. Callahan grunted and bit into my skin as I released the death grip over the table’s edge and reached for my back. 

But it was a little difficult given that he was bending me down a little and his mouth was roaming all over me. 

Not that I would want him to stop. So despite the discomfort, I someh managed to reach the clasp by awkwardly twisting my hands and undi it. 

Callahan did not even wait for a second and pushed the bra and the top down in one single sweep. 

His hand reached for my left breast and cupped it, making a delighted moan leave my lips. 

His mouth kept leaving kisses as his left hand kept caressing my left breast while his right hand slowly traveled downward. 

I began trembling as he pushed not one but two fingers inside my 




Transaction Fees 



Chapter 137 

My senses exploded as bursts of ecstatic pleasure rocked me. His fingers stroked me, while his left hand cupped my breast before pinching my nipple. 


I moaned again, louder this time, and I felt him smile against my skin. 

“You have no idea how long I have been wanting to do this to you” Callahan’s voice was husky as his mouth claimed my right breast. 

I could not focus on one particular point, as my body was sending signals to my brain from every nerve. 

My chest was heaving up and down, my nipples straining as he then held the right nipple between his teeth and pulled at it. 

A wave of pain traveled up from the point where he had bit in, but the pain was a huge turn on. I wanted to see how far he would go when he let go of the self-restraint he had put on himself. 

Every time his teeth softly reached for the nipple and pulled at it, heat rushed up my core. My juices were flowing already. 

I thought I would be able to resist his charm but the moment he touched me, all of my plans of resisting him and making him beg me flew out through the window. 

I was making unlady like noises, and I had not even realized when I had begun grinding my hips against his hand. 

I wanted him deep inside me; I wanted more of him, and I was growing impatient. 

Callahan was being too slow, and it was not fair that I was almost naked in front of him, but he was still fully clothed. 

He continued assaulting me and I whimpered while he took his sweet time tormenting me. My hands itched to touch him, to tear his shirt apart and strip him as well. 

He was a big, muscular man, so he must be endowed well. And I had not even gotten a glimpse of him. 

I groaned in protest and reached my hand up to fist my hands in his 




Transaction Fees 

when using a PKR 

Chapter 137 

shirt, but he smacked my hand back and pushed it back on the table. 

This was agonizing. 


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