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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146 


Callahan, of course, did not agree with my suggestion, but after much back and forth, he at least allowed me to put my point in front of the others. 

I could not wait for the meeting to begin. Despite not having slept the entire night, my head was buzzing, and I felt this maddening urge to find the Rogue King and snap his neck myself. 

While I dealt with him, I would also simultaneously find out a way to communicate with Selene and make her undo the curse. Theoretically, at least that was what I planned. 

The how was a big question, but I could work on it later. 

Now, I hurried into the bathroom for a quick shower and changed into a black pencil skirt and blue blouse. 

Combing my hair and smoothing out the creases, I stepped out of my room and headed straight to the meeting hall. 

I had never attended any official meeting, but there was always a start. Today, I would be taking more responsibility in the pack and Callahan’s life. And he could not stop me from it. 

If he did, I just had a trump card up my sleeve that he had probably forgotten about. But I hadn’t. 

As I made my way to the large meeting hall, I heard murmurs of people discussing things, shuffling of papers, and the scratching of pen against 


Amidst all, there was a sound I wanted to hear. The sound of Callahan’s heartbeat. 

I was still a bit far away, but I wanted to gauge if I could hear his heartbeat from a distance. My wolf had already granted me heightened senses, but hearing his heartbeat amongst all the other noises was harder than I first assumed. 

My gaze flicked to the anchor bond on my wrist. It was not tingling or making me feel weird. That meant Callahan was in a good mood. 

At least, I hoped so. 



Chapter 146 

The door to the meeting room was partially open and I knocked on it once before clearing my throat. 

Elijah came to the door to open it and smiled upon seeing me. 

“Hello, Miss Anchor” He whispered to me and I beamed. 

“Hello, Mr Gamma” 

He gave me a long bow before holding his hand out to guide me inside. Apart from Callahan, if I trusted someone, it was Elijah. 

Clearing his throat, he requested everybody’s attention. 

“Dear Pack members, today we have with us, Miss Zenovia Archer. She has something to say to all of you.” 

He said as I scanned the crowd. There were not many people but I only knew Matteo apart from Elijah who was seated in a chair. 

He waved at me and I waved back. 

“Where is the King?” I asked Elijah who glanced at the watch. 

“He will be here shortly” 

I nodded and looked at the small group of people who were expecting me to start talking. However, I suddenly felt my throat go dry. 

“Umm, we will wait until the Lycan King arrives,” I said and had barely started to sit on the chair when I heard the sound of a soft heartbeat walking in from the hallway leading to the office. 

The door was closed but my gaze automatically flew to the entrance and I waited anxiously. It hardly lasted a second but the sound of the heartbeat was joined with muffled footsteps. 

And then there was the soft click of the doorknob as the door was pushed aside. A face that brightened my day and brought a radiant smile poked in followed by the perfectly sculpted body that I had the honor of worshipping yesterday. 

Callahan’s eyes met mine and only for a second, he gave me a smile, his golden eyes shining like two bright suns before he looked away to the rest of the people. 

They all got up from their chairs, or should I say sprang up from their seats the moment he showed up. 



Chapter 146 

But I was busy observing him and smiling to myself as I looked at that beautiful man. My heart just had the urge to walk towards him and capture those full lips again. 

He looked extremely handsome in a simple black shirt and black pants with shiny black shoes. The gold in his eyes was highlighted even further due to the black. 

Callahan smiled and greeted the others while he absentmindedly rolled 


his sleeves. My gaze fell on his wrist which had a faint white scar.., the anchor bond. 

That signified his connection to me…to the fact that what we shared was special and unique. 

I was lost in thoughts, observing him as he spoke to everybody and they all greeted him as if the sun only rose when he permitted it to do so. 

The loyalty he commanded from them all was commendable. I could see the respect in their eyes for him and hope that while he was around, they 

would all be safe and happy. 

And somehow I had taken up the mammoth task of becoming his anchor… of trying to stop him from turning into a complete monster. 

The fact both scared the hell out of me and made me feel proud of myself. 

I was so busy staring at him that I did not even realize that he had called 

out my name. 

Clearing his throat, Callahan turned his attention to me and tilted his head a little, and spoke again. 

“Right Zenovia?” 

I blinked. He had asked me something. 

I nodded hastily. He smiled in response and that is when I realized I had not even been listening to whatever he was saying. 

“So I believe we have reached a conclusion. You might leave, Zenovia.” 



Definitely not. 



Chapter 146 

I got up from my chair and smiled sweetly at him. 

“Would you please repeat your last question, your majesty?” 

His gaze narrowed at me but he repeated. 

“I was just saying that you wished to meet up with the others but had other things to do and you agreed.” 

I quickly thought of a response. 

“Correct, but I have something to tell the pack first.” 

Clearing my throat, I raised my arm, my wrist-facing outward for everybody to see clearly. 

“I wish to share an important update with you all. I would have preferred to have the entire pack when I announced this but I believe you guys will share it with those who are absent right now.” 

Callahan gave me a look of warning but I ignored that and reached for his arm, raising it just like mine and holding it close. 


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