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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 


Drusilla blurted out her question so loudly that I had to ask her to lower her voice. Drusilla’s eyes were wide as saucers as she asked in a barely contained whisper. 

“Why would you need that? And who told you I could make one? There are so many questions in my head and I don’t know which one is more absurd.” 

I reached for a glass of water and handed it over to Dru. 

“Have it first and don’t panic” 

“Don’t panic? You just told me you want to brew an insane pot-” 

Before she could create any more fuss, I grabbed her hand and loudly added, “Yes I want to go to the pottery class. And you are coming with me.” 

The people around us threw us confused and a little annoyed looks as I forced her to get up and dragged her behind me. 

We got in the parking, and I opened the car door to push her inside. 


“Now, please don’t raise your voice and I will tell you everything.” 

She was still not in the mood to listen, but I practically begged her to stay silent. 

“So, you know Sid tried to kidnap me last time and take me to the Rogue King, right? You said you saw the visions, too.” 

She nodded, “Yes, so?” 

“So I have information that the Rogue King is growing restless and might attack Callahan soon.” 

Her eyebrows went up so much that I feared they would disappear in her skull. 

“Who said that?” 

I nibbled at my lower lip. 

“I know it. How I know it is not the point. You did that amazing spell and 



Chapter 149 

some magic back at the three statues and the well…” I began, but she interrupted me. 

“The norns are symbolic to the ritual… 

I mimicked shutting her mouth and she fell silent even if she grumbled about it. 

“Yes, so my dear Dru, if you have any way of transforming me into another person or disguising me as someone else, I want to infiltrate the Rogue King’s pack and find out his secret plans so that we do not suffer any casualties and always have an upper hand.” 

“Callahan would never agree to this. He knows how risky it is and…” 

“…and that is why I need a foolproof plan so that he won’t disagree. Please Dru” 

She pursed her lips, and I could see the cogs in her mind churning. She was definitely giving it a thought. 

“I am not sure if it will work. I am a seer and just trying to learn everything else.” 

I reached for her hand and gently squeezed it. 

“That is even better. You can see the visions and tell Callahan my plan will work.” 

Drusilla looked at me in horror. 

“The visions don’t come to me like that. I don’t have any control over it. 

I pressed on. “I know, but you can try to see and always update Callahan that it is going fine. Please, Drusilla.” 

She was shaking her head, clearly not liking my idea. 

“That is why you wanted to meet outside and not at the mansion, right? You thought I would just run to Cal and tell him to shut you up.” 

“Technically, he can’t,” I murmured to myself, but she caught it. 

“What did you do now?” 

This was getting so complicated. 

“Nothing much. Promise me you will not flip out if I want to show you something.” 



Chapter 149 

Her eyes narrowed, and she looked at me with that gaze that my mother would give me when she found me doing something shady, such as stealing apples from the orchard in another territory of an alpha. 

“Zee, you are making me doubt if it was a good decision to turn you into Cal’s anchor.” 

I replied with more conviction than I felt. 

“It was the perfect decision. Now, do you want to see it or not?” 

After giving me a long look, she replied, “Yes” 

I dialed Sid’s number instead of texting him and only said one line. 

“I am waiting for you at Friend’s Cafe? 

“Sure, I will be there in thirty minutes 

I had to keep trying to pacify Drusilla to not run away and trust my instincts. Once or twice, I saw her gaze darting to her phone, and I knew she thought of calling Callahan, but I somehow managed to make her not do it. 

I was grateful that Sid reached in twenty minutes instead of the thirty he had promised. However, I did not bother going into the cafe again to get weird looks from the customers and owner. 

So, we only waited in the car as the parking was on the street. Sid’s car was parked, and I honked at him to come near our car instead of goin inside the cafe. 

“Hey, why are you sitting in the car? Let us have coffee at least.” 

Sid waved at me and, much like I had expected, Drusilla let out a surprised cry. 

“You called him? Have you lost your mind, Zee?” 

Sid tilted his head on hearing a voice and lowered his head to see Drusilla seated beside me. 

“Who is she?” he asked and looked at me in surprise, but by the time I could answer Drusilla had gotten up from her seat and walked to him, leveling him a murderous glare. 

She raised her hand that was holding her purse and, without saying a word, just smacked that purse in his face. 



Chapter 149 

“Dru!! What are you doing?” I asked and got out of the car hastily. 

“Ow. What was that for?” Sid grumbled, rubbing his face with the purse as Drusilla raised it again to hit him. 

“You dare ask me that? How dare you walk up to her and behave as if you did nothing wrong?” 

I had to put myself in between them, as Sid had the good sense to retreat when Drusilla was desperately trying to get out of my hold and lunge at him like a feral cat. 

“Dru, Dru, listen to me. I asked him to come here because he has some information.” 

But she was having none of it. 

“This scumbag fooled you and nearly drugged you, and you want me to believe anything he says? I am surprised you are not trying to snap his neck.” 

Sid was still rubbing his face, but finally tried to speak. 


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